Monday, September 22, 2014
It's not even light out (it's 6:30AM right now) and I already have marshmallow on my shirt. Welcome to another current post, I am, like always in fine form. Tasty fluffy form. What, what.
Current nails: Ah, fuck I just noticed another marshmallow spot on my shirt. As I've mentioned I'm in fine form and by that I mean my nails are messed up. I did a slight touch up on my feet yesterday before going shopping (swimming ruins my toenails) but it was more so out of necessity so they look... awesome.... *shifts eyes*
Current food: Pretzel thins, marshmallow fluff (obvi), coke, and fiber one bar (you can taste the fiber, I'm just saying, you can...).
Current drink: Um, it's Monday and it's still kinda dark out so clearly the answer is moonshine. Speaking of moonshine, I had some moonshine from an actual moonshiner in West Virginia and I'm pretty sure it could have also doubled as jet fuel so basically my esophagus is still recovering.
Current TV show: The Knick. Mad Men. Ray Donovan. Face/Off. Yes, still. You know what show I've been missing and need to watch again, Spongebob Squarepants. That is one funny show.
Current read: Death in the City of Light. This serial killer is not well known but man is the story crazy. I finished Gilded Lives, Fatal Voyage about a week or so ago.
Current outfit: Marshmallow fluff covered Rob Zombie t-shirt. Is this the same shirt I accidentally cut a big hole in? *checks* Yep... and comfy as all "hale" purple and black polka dot pajama pants. Man, I am fashion forward.
Current triumphs: My triumph is still pending and in the interest of not wanting to jinx anything I'm just going to leave it at "wait and see".
Current needs: 8 hours of continuous sleep. For some reason I can't sleep for longer than 5 hours at a time.
Current bane of my existence: Waiting. Money. The fact that I won't stop chewing on my pinkie while I'm on the computer. The usual.
Current watching: Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I tried doing this pose at Jason in the car yesterday and what I've come to find out is you kinda need a wide area to do it. He didn't get it. Another joke wasted. GAWD.
Current playlist: Annette Hanshaw // Fictional - Blue Lights // Once in a lifetime - Wolfsheim //
I feel the need to talk a little back story behind Once in a lifetime - Wolfsheim song, I listened to this song a lot in 2006/2007 and I was deeply heartbroken at the time and afraid I'd be heartbroken for the rest of my life, I couldn't know how much my life would change in the following years and now when I listen to it I feel such a sense of joy. I found love, I found more self-confidence, and acceptance of not only myself but the world around me. My problems are far from solved but I've definitely grown and am surrounded by better situations.
The Sparrows and the Nightingales - Wolfsheim // Dead Stars - Covenant //
I have spotify, come find me. Fuck, I need to go dancing soon. I miss it.
Current wishlist: Fig Leaves Pour Moi Bra in Red // Glow in the Dark Stars // Ouija Cardigan // Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Marshmallow Lipgloss // Torrid Kiss Print Sweater // Boohoo Disco Pants in Black // Dorothy Perkins Red Rose Dress // Gypsy Warrior Sabrina Bell Dress (not like this would fit me but a girl can dream) //
Current mood: Not bad. Not bad at all.
What I've been up to currently: Shopping for my little sisters who had to be born within days of each other making birthday shopping a hassle. Swimming and squats at the pool. Video games: The Sims 3, huge shock. Lollipop Chainsaw. Dead Rising (the original and very brief, I am RUSTY). Maybe some other developments but like I said, NO jinx. Bike riding. If you follow me on instagram you'll know that I recently came into possession of a barrister bookcase and I about died of excitement, I stare at it lovingly constantly.
Most recent purchases: My monkey has bought me a few Halloween goodies I'll have to share in another post. Fark, I love this time of year!
Current happiness: The usual suspects (Jason, Hero, and Halo). My best friends wedding coming up sooon. The dress I'm wearing for my best friends wedding. Traveling to Florida. HALLOWEEN! Autumn! I've been in a pretty good mood too.
Current link: Please visit my ebay store, I have a lot for sale and I want to spoil my little sisters who I love dearly and keep my ebay business going. Not to mention I donate as often as I can to my favorite charity that takes care of tigers, lions, cougars, snow leopards, lemurs, a llama, and they have a dog named Poopy. Sorry to do this, I just like to keep the word out.
Current nails: Ah, fuck I just noticed another marshmallow spot on my shirt. As I've mentioned I'm in fine form and by that I mean my nails are messed up. I did a slight touch up on my feet yesterday before going shopping (swimming ruins my toenails) but it was more so out of necessity so they look... awesome.... *shifts eyes*
Current food: Pretzel thins, marshmallow fluff (obvi), coke, and fiber one bar (you can taste the fiber, I'm just saying, you can...).
Current drink: Um, it's Monday and it's still kinda dark out so clearly the answer is moonshine. Speaking of moonshine, I had some moonshine from an actual moonshiner in West Virginia and I'm pretty sure it could have also doubled as jet fuel so basically my esophagus is still recovering.
Current TV show: The Knick. Mad Men. Ray Donovan. Face/Off. Yes, still. You know what show I've been missing and need to watch again, Spongebob Squarepants. That is one funny show.
Current read: Death in the City of Light. This serial killer is not well known but man is the story crazy. I finished Gilded Lives, Fatal Voyage about a week or so ago.
Current outfit: Marshmallow fluff covered Rob Zombie t-shirt. Is this the same shirt I accidentally cut a big hole in? *checks* Yep... and comfy as all "hale" purple and black polka dot pajama pants. Man, I am fashion forward.
Current triumphs: My triumph is still pending and in the interest of not wanting to jinx anything I'm just going to leave it at "wait and see".
Current needs: 8 hours of continuous sleep. For some reason I can't sleep for longer than 5 hours at a time.
Current bane of my existence: Waiting. Money. The fact that I won't stop chewing on my pinkie while I'm on the computer. The usual.
Current watching: Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I tried doing this pose at Jason in the car yesterday and what I've come to find out is you kinda need a wide area to do it. He didn't get it. Another joke wasted. GAWD.
Current playlist: Annette Hanshaw // Fictional - Blue Lights // Once in a lifetime - Wolfsheim //
I feel the need to talk a little back story behind Once in a lifetime - Wolfsheim song, I listened to this song a lot in 2006/2007 and I was deeply heartbroken at the time and afraid I'd be heartbroken for the rest of my life, I couldn't know how much my life would change in the following years and now when I listen to it I feel such a sense of joy. I found love, I found more self-confidence, and acceptance of not only myself but the world around me. My problems are far from solved but I've definitely grown and am surrounded by better situations.
The Sparrows and the Nightingales - Wolfsheim // Dead Stars - Covenant //
I have spotify, come find me. Fuck, I need to go dancing soon. I miss it.
Current wishlist: Fig Leaves Pour Moi Bra in Red // Glow in the Dark Stars // Ouija Cardigan // Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Marshmallow Lipgloss // Torrid Kiss Print Sweater // Boohoo Disco Pants in Black // Dorothy Perkins Red Rose Dress // Gypsy Warrior Sabrina Bell Dress (not like this would fit me but a girl can dream) //
Current mood: Not bad. Not bad at all.
What I've been up to currently: Shopping for my little sisters who had to be born within days of each other making birthday shopping a hassle. Swimming and squats at the pool. Video games: The Sims 3, huge shock. Lollipop Chainsaw. Dead Rising (the original and very brief, I am RUSTY). Maybe some other developments but like I said, NO jinx. Bike riding. If you follow me on instagram you'll know that I recently came into possession of a barrister bookcase and I about died of excitement, I stare at it lovingly constantly.
Most recent purchases: My monkey has bought me a few Halloween goodies I'll have to share in another post. Fark, I love this time of year!
Current happiness: The usual suspects (Jason, Hero, and Halo). My best friends wedding coming up sooon. The dress I'm wearing for my best friends wedding. Traveling to Florida. HALLOWEEN! Autumn! I've been in a pretty good mood too.
Current link: Please visit my ebay store, I have a lot for sale and I want to spoil my little sisters who I love dearly and keep my ebay business going. Not to mention I donate as often as I can to my favorite charity that takes care of tigers, lions, cougars, snow leopards, lemurs, a llama, and they have a dog named Poopy. Sorry to do this, I just like to keep the word out.
barrister bookcase
invasion of the body snatchers
pod people
stay puft
still pending
Monday, September 15, 2014
recently was sent a “give me 10 facts about yourself” message. This
never happens and so I listed some very basic facts about myself out of
sheer panic (maybe not panic but close enough) but now I’ve decided to
re-take the test. These are like the tales I share when I’ve been
drinking but I haven’t been drinking so…. uh…
1. Once I drove to Taco Bell in a snowstorm, with 3 inches of snow on top of my car, because I really wanted chalupas. A police officer stopped me on the way back home and asked me what I was doing out in this weather and why I didn’t clear off my car, I lied and said I was sick and had to go to CVS but really I just needed a god damn chalupa. Sorry m’officer, it was an emergency…
2. Since I’m on the topic of how impulsive I am, I once ordered a huge box of custom lollipops from this ebay store. They were quite cheap because they were “defective” since some of them had melted a little bit. I hid the box under my bed and got sores in my mouth from eating so many lollipops. I still dream about the banana and sweet tea ones.
3. Once when I was about 7 years old I went into the kitchen where my dad and a few of his friends were playing cards and I walked up to who I thought was my dad sitting in a chair and hugged him from behind, turns out it was his friend and I was so embarrassed that I started bawling my eyes out.
4. Remember those round bath soap things people use to have in their bathrooms, well one time I ate one. I clearly remember walking in the bathroom and spotting the round balls and thinking “ooh, candy in the bathroom, great idea!” and then getting a mouth full of soap…. I'm still waiting for someone to get on top of that balls of bathroom candy idea. That sounds so gross... I mean actual candy, people!
5. Last night I had a dream that I won $300,000 so after jumping up and down in excitement and of course, crying, I started to plan a trip to Europe. I mean I literally dreamed about sitting at a desk, smiling like a fool, and planning a trip on Expedia (or whatever travel site). I woke up pretty sad when I didn’t see a check for $300,000 next to me.
6. I use to fall asleep in class because I was up all night in chat rooms and playing The Sims. When a guidance counselor tried to earnestly ask me what was going on in my life I just shrugged, it just seemed too lame to admit the truth.
7. I busted my lip open in elementary school after I slid on sand and slid face first into a pole. I was chasing after a boy, it was our recess activity that I pretty much continued into my early 20’s with very similar results.
8. I hate corn. Seriously, if you put that shit in my face I will bite you.
8.5 I’m a biter… I've calmed down with age but beware.
9. A teacher in high school use to constantly write on my papers “stop using the word well in your writings” and WELL, *dances* I CAN’T STOP *dance, dance, dance*
10. Once on a field trip to the Smithsonian I went up to the second floor overlooking a huge crowd of people and from above the fossils i yelled, “I love…<insert elementary school crush name here>” at the top of my lungs. My friends and I laughed about it for quite a bit.
I figured I should put at least one random picture of myself drinking a shirley temple because it kind of fits with the general randomness of this list.
1. Once I drove to Taco Bell in a snowstorm, with 3 inches of snow on top of my car, because I really wanted chalupas. A police officer stopped me on the way back home and asked me what I was doing out in this weather and why I didn’t clear off my car, I lied and said I was sick and had to go to CVS but really I just needed a god damn chalupa. Sorry m’officer, it was an emergency…
2. Since I’m on the topic of how impulsive I am, I once ordered a huge box of custom lollipops from this ebay store. They were quite cheap because they were “defective” since some of them had melted a little bit. I hid the box under my bed and got sores in my mouth from eating so many lollipops. I still dream about the banana and sweet tea ones.
3. Once when I was about 7 years old I went into the kitchen where my dad and a few of his friends were playing cards and I walked up to who I thought was my dad sitting in a chair and hugged him from behind, turns out it was his friend and I was so embarrassed that I started bawling my eyes out.
4. Remember those round bath soap things people use to have in their bathrooms, well one time I ate one. I clearly remember walking in the bathroom and spotting the round balls and thinking “ooh, candy in the bathroom, great idea!” and then getting a mouth full of soap…. I'm still waiting for someone to get on top of that balls of bathroom candy idea. That sounds so gross... I mean actual candy, people!
5. Last night I had a dream that I won $300,000 so after jumping up and down in excitement and of course, crying, I started to plan a trip to Europe. I mean I literally dreamed about sitting at a desk, smiling like a fool, and planning a trip on Expedia (or whatever travel site). I woke up pretty sad when I didn’t see a check for $300,000 next to me.
6. I use to fall asleep in class because I was up all night in chat rooms and playing The Sims. When a guidance counselor tried to earnestly ask me what was going on in my life I just shrugged, it just seemed too lame to admit the truth.
7. I busted my lip open in elementary school after I slid on sand and slid face first into a pole. I was chasing after a boy, it was our recess activity that I pretty much continued into my early 20’s with very similar results.
8. I hate corn. Seriously, if you put that shit in my face I will bite you.
8.5 I’m a biter… I've calmed down with age but beware.
9. A teacher in high school use to constantly write on my papers “stop using the word well in your writings” and WELL, *dances* I CAN’T STOP *dance, dance, dance*
10. Once on a field trip to the Smithsonian I went up to the second floor overlooking a huge crowd of people and from above the fossils i yelled, “I love…<insert elementary school crush name here>” at the top of my lungs. My friends and I laughed about it for quite a bit.
I figured I should put at least one random picture of myself drinking a shirley temple because it kind of fits with the general randomness of this list.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
So, oh my god, you will never guess what happened! I... slacker extraordinaire... have almost, yes, ALMOST, totally acceptable nails. Boom. Squeal. Confetti throwing. One person in a corner with a lackluster expression blowing on one of those noise maker things. I know this fact isn't exactly ground breaking but considering I've come into every post for the last year with shitastic nails, I'd say "hey, look at that" and then move on 5 seconds later. Maybe not even a full 5 seconds, why am I still talking about this... onto the post and by post I mean the only posts I ever make anymore... but before that, here is a random picture of me in a hat. Wee.
Current nails: Cast a Spell by China Glaze on the feetsies. I love this color. It reminds me of Hocus Pocus and on the topic of Hocus Pocus I might have to pop over to my xbox and put that ol' moving picture show in. When I was a little girl I wanted to be Sarah Sanderson. Hell, I still do. Anywho, I should put this color on my fingers since my mermaid nails are chipping off and flying into everything (my hair, my cats fur, my breakfast, your breakfast... oops). Please clicky on link for credit of photo of Cast a Spell. My mermaid nails are literally 5 different colors - pink sparkle, blue sparkle, purple sparkle, hot pink base, and turquoise base. I couldn't remember the names if I tried. So there ya go. A novel about my nail colors.
Current movie: The one the only, Ho-da-cus Poc-da-us.
Current search: The Sanderson Sisters/Hocus Pocus on etsy. Why have I never searched for this before? This movie makes me insanely happy. Next search: Hocus Pocus soundtrack on amazon. Scratch that, Hocus Pocus soundtrack on ebay. Dammit, it's expensive.
Current outfit: It's before noon, I'm in my pajamas. More specifically Black tank top with a raven on it and pink cheetah print pajama bottoms.
Current guilty pleasure: Have you discovered the Cookie Dough cafe yet? Because why did I never think of making this a thing, I eat raw cookie dough ALL DA TIME.
Current food/drink: See above picture. They're both happening, I'm sorry I'm not sorry. Tea and cookie dough party in my face hole. Face hole, what a sexy descriptor.
Current TV show: Boardwalk Empire and The Knick! Like I really need a new tv show to obsess over but it has happened. I will tell you one thing, the other doctors better start being nice to Dr. Edwards soon! I wish I could just give him a hug.
Currently watching: Hocus Pocus. Der.
Current reads: Well, here are my last three reads. I recommend them all.
Current wishlist: Eshakti Mesh Overlay Floral Dress // Hocus Pocus Soundtrack // Bizarre Blurple by China Glaze // Torrid Blue Skull Print Top // Eshakti Red Lace Florence Dress // Modcloth Cornucopia of Cute Dress // City Chic Lace Lavinia Dress // Black Cat Eye Sunglasses // Torrid Kiss Print Sweater // Eshakti Black Faux Leather Trim Coat // Simply Be Claire Richards Sequin Dress // Modcloth Academia Ahoy Blazer
Current mood: Awesome.
Current bane of my existence: Wanting to be a home owner. I love the house I live in but we don't own it and I want to paint and have a dog and gothify everything and I can't do that currently. One glorious day it will happen, hopefully.
Current what have I been up to: I've been having a pretty good two weeks. I saw Beetlejuice under the stars (and rain but it didn't hold me back) on a jumbo tron. I smiled like a five year old the entire time although there is no physical proof (*finger movements* excellent *creepy smile*). Yesterday I went to the Alamo Drafthouse and saw 'As Above, So Below' which was shrug worthy but I always enjoy going to the Alamo and seeing "scary" movies in the theater.
Current for sale: This modcloth dress and much more! Visit my ebay to buy from moi. Guest appearance by the Halo who keeps trying to lick my jar of cookie dough.
Last purchases: Way too many Monster High dolls including Invisibilly and Wydowna Spider. Some blu-rays/dvds and thrift finds.
Current triumphs: Well, it's not my triumph but my little sister, Becky, just started her first year of college. She is living in the dorms and doing well. I've been worrying only a little and texting her silly crap endlessly. I'm trying to put together a care package for her, anyone have any recommendations?? I'm thinking something useful but cute.
Current Needs: Bridesmaid dress. I'm going to be a bridesmaid for the very first time, my best friend is getting married in October and I think I've found the dress but it is hard to find dresses that fit my massive bust.
Current link: BigCatDerek on Youtube
Current nails: Cast a Spell by China Glaze on the feetsies. I love this color. It reminds me of Hocus Pocus and on the topic of Hocus Pocus I might have to pop over to my xbox and put that ol' moving picture show in. When I was a little girl I wanted to be Sarah Sanderson. Hell, I still do. Anywho, I should put this color on my fingers since my mermaid nails are chipping off and flying into everything (my hair, my cats fur, my breakfast, your breakfast... oops). Please clicky on link for credit of photo of Cast a Spell. My mermaid nails are literally 5 different colors - pink sparkle, blue sparkle, purple sparkle, hot pink base, and turquoise base. I couldn't remember the names if I tried. So there ya go. A novel about my nail colors.
Current movie: The one the only, Ho-da-cus Poc-da-us.
Current search: The Sanderson Sisters/Hocus Pocus on etsy. Why have I never searched for this before? This movie makes me insanely happy. Next search: Hocus Pocus soundtrack on amazon. Scratch that, Hocus Pocus soundtrack on ebay. Dammit, it's expensive.
Current outfit: It's before noon, I'm in my pajamas. More specifically Black tank top with a raven on it and pink cheetah print pajama bottoms.
Current guilty pleasure: Have you discovered the Cookie Dough cafe yet? Because why did I never think of making this a thing, I eat raw cookie dough ALL DA TIME.
Current food/drink: See above picture. They're both happening, I'm sorry I'm not sorry. Tea and cookie dough party in my face hole. Face hole, what a sexy descriptor.
Current TV show: Boardwalk Empire and The Knick! Like I really need a new tv show to obsess over but it has happened. I will tell you one thing, the other doctors better start being nice to Dr. Edwards soon! I wish I could just give him a hug.
Currently watching: Hocus Pocus. Der.
Current reads: Well, here are my last three reads. I recommend them all.
Current wishlist: Eshakti Mesh Overlay Floral Dress // Hocus Pocus Soundtrack // Bizarre Blurple by China Glaze // Torrid Blue Skull Print Top // Eshakti Red Lace Florence Dress // Modcloth Cornucopia of Cute Dress // City Chic Lace Lavinia Dress // Black Cat Eye Sunglasses // Torrid Kiss Print Sweater // Eshakti Black Faux Leather Trim Coat // Simply Be Claire Richards Sequin Dress // Modcloth Academia Ahoy Blazer
Current mood: Awesome.
Current bane of my existence: Wanting to be a home owner. I love the house I live in but we don't own it and I want to paint and have a dog and gothify everything and I can't do that currently. One glorious day it will happen, hopefully.
Current what have I been up to: I've been having a pretty good two weeks. I saw Beetlejuice under the stars (and rain but it didn't hold me back) on a jumbo tron. I smiled like a five year old the entire time although there is no physical proof (*finger movements* excellent *creepy smile*). Yesterday I went to the Alamo Drafthouse and saw 'As Above, So Below' which was shrug worthy but I always enjoy going to the Alamo and seeing "scary" movies in the theater.
Current for sale: This modcloth dress and much more! Visit my ebay to buy from moi. Guest appearance by the Halo who keeps trying to lick my jar of cookie dough.
Last purchases: Way too many Monster High dolls including Invisibilly and Wydowna Spider. Some blu-rays/dvds and thrift finds.
Current triumphs: Well, it's not my triumph but my little sister, Becky, just started her first year of college. She is living in the dorms and doing well. I've been worrying only a little and texting her silly crap endlessly. I'm trying to put together a care package for her, anyone have any recommendations?? I'm thinking something useful but cute.
Current Needs: Bridesmaid dress. I'm going to be a bridesmaid for the very first time, my best friend is getting married in October and I think I've found the dress but it is hard to find dresses that fit my massive bust.
Current link: BigCatDerek on Youtube
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