Wednesday, February 8, 2012
It is rando time, not to be confused with Rambo time...
I had to post this picture, I just had to, I'd photoshop it but I lack that skill.
The gorgeous Arielle of Humble Pie Vintage recently partook in 'The Versatile Blogger' award she was tagged and instead of tagging people, she left it open ended for anyone that wanted to participate and I thought hey - I'll board that train, any excuse to hand out random information about myself. I love reading other peoples lists of random facts about themselves so hopefully you do too.
Rules: 7 Random Facts:
- I've probably mentioned this before but I'm pretty tall at 5'9", I had a friend tell me I could pass for an inhabitant of Giant Island (there was some myth that there was a Giant and Midget Island stashed about in hidden places) and I wasn't sure how to take that but it is a fact that I'm quite tall for a lady. I was already about 5'7" in middle school but I didn't get self conscious about my height until I was about 13, I really hated it then because I felt it made me masculine because I was taller than the average girl. I'm mostly fine with it now but I still don't care for high heeled shoes.
- I love toast, seriously, I think it is divine. Pretty much anything toasted is good, with that said I prefer all candy and chocolate to be chilled. If you put it in the freezer it gets too frozen but if you put it the fridge it is all kinds of right.
- I'm told I come across as pretty shy when most people first meet me, I just figured everyone came across as shy when they first met people? When I actually get comfortable around a person it is completely different; I'm loud, inappropriate, hyper, ridiculous... not all the time mind you.
- I keep my sleeping bag from when I was an elementary school in the back hatch of my car. It is a Beverly Hills 90210 sleeping bag and it has Dylan and Brandon on it. Most people don't believe me but then I show them the evidence! Why do I keep it there? In case I end up in a ditch and get cold of course! Actually, I don't really know why.
- I like history, more specifically I like: WWII, Ancient Civilizations, Queens, Shipwrecks, True Crime, etc.
- Another random fact about me in this random list is that I love making lists. I will think of reasons to make lists, I love list-making.
- I'm fascinated by Christmas lights. I'd cover every room of my house in them if I could.
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I agree with number 2.
I am also number 3.
I am jealous of number 4.
I would love a house, as described in number 7.
Damn, you are tall! And I always love finding other history lovers...
Courtney ~
Everyone at work picks on me because I'm always making lists. My pocket is full of scraps of paper. I love history! I plan on doing some more history based features in the future on my blog. That's funny about the sleeping bag haha. I'm 5"9 too so yay for us!
I always knew you were cool but the fact that you have a Beverly Hills 90210 sleeping bag just cements your place as the coolest person I know.
This is amazing! I would of given you the award personally cause I simply love your blog! <333
Mary from
P.s I see you have two cats! I would love to feature you guys on my weekly feature: Meowsday. If you are interested go here: and then email me so I can email you back the post outline <333
I always thought I was such a weirdo for loving toast as much as I do, some people say it's bland but I think it is full of yum. Haha, the 90210 sleeping bag is quite a priceless piece to have, I don't think I'll ever part with it. Whenever I see christmas lights, just twinkling and adding warmth to everything around it, I just sit and stare with a goofy smile. I can't wait to throw some twinkly lights about in my future place. Thanks so much for commenting love, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only "shy at first" type of person!
Hehe yeah, I am. Sometimes I actually forget how tall I am and sometimes I feel short, kids seem to get taller and taller these days - my youngest sister is almost my height and she is in middle school. Yay for history lovers!
Lists are f'ing fun. You should get a little spiral notebook that you can fit into your purse or pocket, works smashingly well for writing lists on the go. More history lovers, I'm so happy! I always felt like a nerd for liking history but I find so many things that have happened and continue to happen so incredibly fascinating. I look forward to your history features, your blog is a piece of awesome on the interwebz. The sleeping bag is quite special. More yay for a fellow 5'9" lady, I so rarely meet other ladies my height. I feel like we should do a slow motion high five at the same height level!
Haha yes, I really regret getting rid of my other 90210 things from my childhood. I had posters, a lunchbox, barbie dolls, I'm sure there were more but the sleeping bag is all that remains now. I took a picture of it, I will have to post it.
Aww, thank you! I'm so flattered that you like my blog, I like your blog as well and I should do a feature of my kittehs, I love those kitties. Actually, I love all the worlds kitties, I really do.
Wow. I always wanted to be taller. I am pretty average 5'6" but I always wanted to be slightly taller - so own it :] The fact that you have a 90210 sleeping bag is awesome - I didn't know those existed haha and keeping one in you car is a good idea. I have a blanket, not as fun. I also really like to make lists. It helps me feel together.
I always wanted to be average height, I guess the grass will always be greener on the other side. I'm really okay with my height though, I know I can't change it.
Haha, yeah the 90210 sleeping bag was for sleepovers when I was a kid and I just always held on to it. It definitely would work for a heavy blanket but I don't think I should use it as a sleeping bag because I'm too tall now. I had originally put the sleeping bag in there for a camping trip with friends in like 2006 and never took it out. Lists are the best, I like to look at a completed list and go "ah, accomplishments". I'm glad you understand =D
I loved reading this list! I also love lists, so yeah, I may be biased... And whoa-- 90210 sleeping bag? I was too young to be allowed to watch that show when it came out, but I WANTED to be Shannon Doherty sooo bad. I know, I make great choices.
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
Lists are splendid aren't they. When I was working I would make lists on my downtime, people often asked me about it or asked me if I was "studying" for a class or something, I always found that funny. Hehe yeah I was really young when I watched the show myself, I remember having to ask permission to stay up past my bedtime to watch it. I loved the show, that is so cute, I wanted to be Kelly/Jennie Garth so badly - I just thought she was so pretty so I understand.
awww I love learning new things about my favourite bloggers!
It's awesome that you are lovely and tall- I'm on the shorter side and always wish I had more height. We always want what we don't have right!
I love that you are loud and hyperactive! When we finally meet I hope that there is no shyness at all! :)
Christmas lights are the bomb. I think they give everything a really magical feel- I use them all through the year, every excuse I can get!
Olivia :) x
Wait Until The Sunset
love this!!!!! think im gonna do this too if that's ok (*^_^*)
youre awesome! can we take this time to do a virtual chest bump? I'd like that.
anywho..yeah i thought the same thing with "everyone being shy when first meeting them" i am the same way, super shy when first meeting someone, unless there is alcohol in involved,then its hard to contain the annoyance, loud mouth beast i really am. i love the sleeping back in the back of your car! can never be too safe, and with two hot 90s babes on your side. if you like history and WWII you gotta come to vienna!! lets party and be history buffs together yay! :)
great list! :) for someone who likes them youre pretty good at them.
Hooray for lists of facts!!! I love toast, too. Especially with Nutella. So delicious.
Honeysuckelle honeysuckelle?!?! where are you, we miss you!!!! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
(hope the holiday is fab!)
I second this!
Lists are the bestest. Toast with nutella is totally delish, I'm staring at my jar of nutella right now and trying to think of what to eat it with...
Thank you. I apologize for my super late response but feel free to list it up!
I agree, I love reading new facts about the bloggers I follow. I totally agree as well that the grass always seem to be greener on the other side when it comes to physical traits. Height is definitely one of those things that I realized I would just have to get over because I can't change it, I always wanted to be shorter though.
Aww, I hope we do meet some day and I hope there is no shyness, my shyness usually goes away pretty quickly if I do feel it.
Yes for Xmas Lights! I really need to get some and hang them up despite my boyfriends protests against them - he says Christmas lights are too "bright".
Haha, aww yah, virtual chest bump!
I'm the same way with alcohol, I get some super big huevos when I've been drinking. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who is shy at first with people, I usually try to gauge how loud and inappropriate I can be with someone before I unleash it on them.
Haha yes, I'm so glad I've held onto the 90210 sleeping bag and I was so in love with Dylan and Brandon as a child.
I'd love to come to Vienna someday and see historical sites and get to meet you, hopefully one day!!
Thank you, you are so sweet!
I was so tickled when I read this, I'm back and have so much catching up to do. <3<3<3<3
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