Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I'm sorry for the delay in posting about my wonderful vacation but I've been pretty ill, I mentioned how I caught a cold toward the end of my trip, well I also had an infection that spread to my kidneys so I've been really out of it. I had to go to the Emergency Room on Friday night, which I absolutely despise doing. I hate hospitals, I hate needles, and I hate having blood drawn but my sides were really killing me and left me no choice ("Left me defenseless!"). Luckily the Doctors and Nurses were all very nice and they were playing 'Mansquito' on the SyFy channel so that helped me have a better experience. The Doctor said I had a white blood cell count of 18,000 when it should be 11,000 so that was pretty eye opening. I've been on antibiotics, mucinex to combat the cold, drinking lots of water (think Hoover Dam, "Where can I get some Dam bait?"), and lots of sleep since then.
I'm currently experiencing the post vacation blues especially since I've been sick. I want to go back on vacation! I had such a lovely time. We did end up stopping in Charleston, South Carolina and briefly traveled through Orlando, Florida as well but we didn't end up stopping by Epcot. The majority of the vacation was spent in Dunedin, Tampa, and Spring Hill, Florida. The weather was so nice that I almost forgot that it was Winter, I really miss wearing my flip flops. I miss seeing the ocean, I miss how friendly everyone was (people waved at us! I was confused, I don't even make eye contact with my neighbors), and I really miss the sweet tea! Great googly moogly the sweet tea is good down there, even the Publix had delicious sweet tea, us Northerners really need to figure out this whole sweet tea thing - Get it together Yankees!
We spent two days including Valentines Day in Savannah which was a bit of a surprise arranged by my boyfriend. We stopped by Forysth Park, Bonaventure Cemetery, and The River Walk. I liked Savannah, the Spanish Moss was great but it seems like the economy has hit the area a little hard which made me a bit sad.
The second picture was taken at Bonaventure Cemetery and the rest are in and around Forsyth Park. I love Southern style architecture, the last picture is now an art college of some sort, I was squealing outside it trying to take pictures from every angle until my boyfriend told me I looked like a stalker and dragged me away, it was so beautiful - I almost cried from the abundance of architectural beauty. You can't get arrested for stalking pretty buildings, actually, you probably can...
I really liked the River Walk area in Savannah as well, although it wasn't very long. It was full of jewelry shops, candy stores, bars, tourist shops, restaurants, and things of the sort all situated in super old looking buildings with amazing character. As you can tell there was also a tram that ran through from time to time. I bought a colorful dress that I've caught Hero trying to nom on, this absolutely amazing praline something (I don't recall what it was called, it was kind of like brittle but softer? Gophers! That's what they were, my boyfriend kept giving me the stink eye when I said they were called gophers but they were!) that I should have bought more of, and spotted some cute jewelry that I didn't actually end up buying. Savannah was good ol' times and Paula Deen's face was slapped on a ton of stuff. I lost my shit though when some stranger knocked on our hotel door at 1am, I was ready to slam the door open and throw some hotel furniture at him.
Look out for post number two including appearances by the Sunny State of Florida. I'm seriously shocked that I haven't dreamed about those praline gophers, if you pass through Savannah buy as many gophers as you can physically manage, you won't regret it.
house lust
praline gophers
spanish moss
sweet tea heaven
tales of sickness
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Such gorgeous photos - I've always wanted to travel there!
Courtney ~
these photos are so pretty. They make me wanna go on vacation right now! Feel better!
I'm sorry to hear about the hospital visit :( That can't be fun! Hopefully you are on the mend and quickly too! Gotta prepare for that next vacation, right?
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
Oh my! I am sorry that you had to go to the hospital. I hope you are on the mend and feeling better. That sounds so scary. Your photos from the trip are beautiful. I love Spanish Moss, unfortunately it is awful for trees and slowly kills them :[ I have never been to Savannah but it looks so pretty. What a wonderful way to spend your Vday!! I love old architecture, haha. I would stalk a building too. I also want to try these gophers, haha. Can't wait to see the shots of florida :]
Thank you, you should and don't forget about the gophers, they are delicious!
Thank you, I took a lot more pictures than I usually do. I miss the vacation so much, I want to live in a Groundhog Day loop of the vacation, well only if I can add my cats to the vacation. Thank you, I'll hopefully be better soon.
Thank you, hospitals are no fun, thank the beejeebles for Mansquito, that made the experience better. Seriously though, while I was on vacation I found out about the other trip we are taking in July and was starting the plan for that. Thank you for the well wishes, I feel weak but I'm improving.
Thank you, I'm slowly improving. Hopefully I'll be back to normal sooon. Thank you about the pictures, I took like 300 on the vacation which is a lot more than I usually take, but everything was so picturesque. Aww, I didn't know that about Spanish Moss! I think all cities are kind of similar in the way that there are nice and not so nice areas, I definitely recommend a visit though. It was a great Valentines Day, it was a bit funny that half of it was spent at a cemetery. Yay, a fellow lover of architecture! You must try a gopher if you run across them. Florida shots coming soon. Oh I miss my grand vacation.
I've actually never been to Savannah, Georgia but I've always wanted to go because of the moss and tree rows. I've been to Georgia many times, just not Savannah. I know, southern architecture is beautiful! There's so many Plantation style houses in the South that are really breathtaking. Have you ever been to New Orleans? I think New Orleans has the prettiest architecture in all of Louisiana. I would love to go to New Orleans with you and have some fun, especially since you don't mind drinking :p
Sweet Tea, sweet tea, where do I start? It's an addiction down here and you can get it everywhere(except Red Lobster, which is odd). People, including myself, actually discuss who has the best sweet tea. haha. There is NOTHING like a big glass of sweet tea.
P.S. I typed "sweat tea" like 5 times because I always call it that as a joke to my bf when he asks me what I want to drink!
Apparently it is going through a revitalization, a lot of the really amazing homes down there seemed to be under renovation. I'd definitely say go for the moss and tree rows! I loooove Southern architecture, it is by far my favorite. I'm having the urge to make Southern style homes on The Sims. I have never been to New Orleans, I hope to! I would love to go to New Orleans and get my drink on with you.
Yesss, sweet tea is ... without words because it is too perfect, well good sweet tea. Who does have the best sweet tea? I could see myself having this conversation. No where around here :( You are so right, there is nothing like a big glass of sweet tea. Yumzies. Haha, aww, "sweat tea" that is cute.
What beautiful photos! I am sitting here, sick, and longing to go on your vacation past! =D I don't blame you for wishing you were back... sick or not! Hope you feel better and I the same!
Love & Lollies... Jessa
Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa
Thank you. I'm so sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. It was a pretty lovely vacation, I just hope my next vacation is half as lovely. Get better and thanks for the comment.
Gorgeous photos! You have such a fun blog!
Aww, thank you so much!
I've heard Savannah is really beautiful and I love the style of architecture! Oh, it's so hard to go from vacation mode back to real life! Hope you're feeling better now :)
Oh no!!! I hope you are feeling better soon :(
I caught some awful gun in London and spent the first few days in Egypt pretty sure my head was going to explode.
Gorgeous pictures! It sounds like you had an awesome time! And post holiday blues?? siiigghhhh feeling that!
I had a good time in Savannah, I hope to return one day since there was a few places I wanted to go to and didn't get a chance to... i.e ice cream place for instance. I love southern architecture, it is so gorgeous. Isn't it? It's been almost two weeks now and I'm still feeling a little blue. Thank you for the well wishes, I see the doctor today so we'll see if I get a clean bill of health.
Thank you, I have a visit with the doctor today so hopefully they'll give me some good news although I still feel a little icky. I hate getting sick on vacation and sick in Egypt, no fun!
Thank you, I did have an awesome time. Do those post holiday blues go away or is it continuous until the next holiday :P?
wow savannah looks absolutely beautiful in your pictures. I'd love to come back to the states and visit a whole bunch of east and south states, i've been everywhere in the west since i grew up there but aside from a a few airports on the eastcoast the whole thing remains a mystery to me. I'm glad you had such a great time before the infection draged you to hell. You stick in there kid! you'll beat this thing in no time! I hope you get better soon!
lol they have gone away now- but only because I'm planning the next one lol ;)
Haha, I hear ya! My post vacation blues are still a lingering a bit but I had a pretty fun weekend so I'm feeling a wee bit better. I can't wait to hear about this new vacation.
Parts of Savannah were certainly beautiful. The east and the south are (thus far) some of my favorite places to be, granted I haven't traveled far from the east coast of the States and really hope to one day. I'm feeling loads better, thank you!
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