Thursday, May 21, 2015

It is incredible how we have all been taught to see someone's physical appearance as a direct indication of their worth, value, and representation of their character. How attractive you are or aren't according to society can totally change the behavior of the people around you. What does it really matter? What does it truly indicate about who someone really is. Yes, I experience physical attraction like everyone else. Everybody does. Humans of course have their natural instincts. Being born appearing one way versus the other should not directly influence your path in life or acceptability in society. 

I know I'm lucky to have been born with certain physical attributes, some of which I can help and others I cannot. Of course there is plastic surgery and cosmetics and all sorts of things that can be used to enhance or alter your appearance but if society did not put such a vast importance on these things to the extent that they do imagine how different things would be? 
I'm sick of spending so much time and energy focused and worried on what I look like. I'm bored out of my mind of living within a society obsessed with the surface of things. Beauty has many forms but so does so many other things in the world. 

I'm fed up with feeling uncomfortable with my body because I've been taught, as we all generally have, to see our physical "flaws" (who really made these rules about what is or isn't a "flaw"??) as something that should constantly be stewed over, attempted to change, etc, whatever. 
I'm sick of hiding my cellulite on my body even when I'm sweating buckets or plain don't want to. I'm sick of society telling women they should or shouldn't wear makeup. Who should not wear that or who should wear this. I'm sick of society telling men they should be or should not be tall. I'm sick of society force feeding us that hair belongs only in certain places. I'm sick of accepting a society that tells people they are only one thing. No one is only one thing. Dig deeper!

Get to know people for who they are and not just what they are. Accept and love yourself. Treat others with kindness. Work together as much as you can, stop squabbling over petty things.
Let's get shit done and stop thinking only with our eyes and nether regions. There is so much more out there! 

Take my double chin and large arms or not, in this moment I don't care. I know I have and others have said this all before but the conversation is going to continue when the issues are so prevalent and consistent.


Courtney Erin said...

Definitely a point worth making and a conversation worth forcing ahead! Amen!

Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

Courtney Erin said...

As a historian I frequently look at the element of cultural construction (well, more than an element really, because it's 100% cultural construction) inherent in ideals of both masculine and feminine beauty, behavior, etc - and it's fascinating but also depressing as hell to realize the deep-rootedness of so much of it. Especially when you're looking at it with a change agenda...

Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

Unknown said...

Ugh, yes, you put it so eloquently. It's always interesting to me how the ideals evolve and change but on the same hand stay so similar. Have you read any good books on the matter? I'd be interested to read them.

Wait Until The Sunset said...

Yes!! This! All of this! Preach Rach! I love it! From the moment we can process information we are slammed with images and ideas, 'beauty standards' set by that insane 5% of the population that looks a certain way. It infuriates me! Skin is skin, bodies are bodies, love is love! There is so much more to a person than what you 'see' with your eyes at first glance. Love this post xx

Unknown said...

@Olivia - Yes, we all have and it is sickening and so unnecessary. Why can't we just appreciate people for who they are instead of being so focused on the outside of things? I'm so glad you like this post, I'm always afraid I'll come off as ranty but these things need to be said, they need to be expressed.


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