The last few days have been rather hectic with a mix of good and pain in the ass.
Sunday, I went to my Dads as planned. Arrived late because I couldn't get my lethargic ass out of bed but finally got up/showered/drove/arrived/and finally came in, saw Pavel(my step-brother) and his broken leg and had time to made him giggle (he is 1 1/2 yrs old), and then my Dad hurried us out the door to get to the Verizon store so he would have plenty of time to pick up vodka and get to his neighbors to watch football while cradling said vodka bottle.
I honestly can imagine him cradling a vodka bottle, you'd have to meet him to believe me. Walked in and knew exactly what I wanted "DROIDX, DROIDX, DROIDX!." My Dad has a guy he always works with so handed over my old phone, shouted cries of "GIMME DROIDX" to where Verizon man replied "you have good taste." I hastily agreed and proceeded to worry about my naughty pictures I still had on the phone,
hmm should have erased those the night before. Ran back to Verizon man to ask him if I could see the phone to erase old messages and "stuff", where as expected my Dad asked "aww are there naughty photos on that phone young lady?" and I had to be the guilty party and admit "
there are some naughties." He just shook his head. After a bit, Verizon man brought out my phone and it was a beauty, everything I had dreamed off. My fiance walked up to my Dad and I signing curse words to one another, just your average father/daughter conversation. I picked out a pretty purple rubber dress for my phone to wear, we finished some last minute things and headed off to get vodka. Apparently they know my Dad and had the vodka waiting because he was in and out in under a minute and half - he counted. Went back to my Dads where I spent hours playing with my phone and never leaving its side. I wanted to catch up on 'Boardwalk Empire' but I suppose we waited too long, because it wasn't on demand. We did however, watch some TV but it escapes my memory what it was. We stayed the night and drove home the next afternoon.
who's a pretty girl, who's a pretty girl! I named her Viv or Vi, or Vi-vi. |
Monday, we took a wee nap and did a little shower action. We didn't do action in the shower, just to clarify, our shower is way too small for that. It would be like having sex in a sardine can. Had plans to have dinner and a movie but as we went off to dinner at (again) California Pizza Kitchen (I think my fiance was a little jelly about my outing just days before) we heard from our friends D and Z and decided to meet up with them after dinner instead. Oh god at dinner we had the
Spicy Chicken Tinga Quesadilla as our appetizer and I had the Pear and Gorgonzola pizza and
oh honey it was mighty good sustenance. I highly recommend ordering the pear and gorgonzola on honey wheat crust with greens on the side. I took pictures! Decided to attend the comedy group I'm kinda sort a part of with D, Z, and a few others. Recorded a skit "Sorry I'm late, I brought bananas." After that we all went to a chicken and beer restaurant where everyone else ordered flaming hot wings and my fiance and I smiled at our brilliancy of choosing to skip the hot-as-hell-chicken-wings.
the pizza my lovah choose. |
my pizza, obviously superior. |
Tuesday, My fiance and I had lunch and then he went off to work for a few hours. My crazy ass decided to hit every Target from here to Gaithersburg in search for epic coat part deux but I was let down - they didn't have the one I wanted or any in my size! Bastardos (I'm probably spelling that wrong) but I did find a pink peacoat that was two sizes too big, purple slip dress, and an adorable head band that has been glued to my head ever since (well not ever since but y'know). Fiance got off work so we headed over to Tysons to catch 'The Green Hornet 3D' which was good fun and then headed home to wrestle. I kidding, I was exhausted, shopping and going nutso at traffic is hard work.
Tysons. This is before I hid from my fiance and then ran down the hallway giggling like a doofus. | |
View at Tysons outside the AMC. Lots o' lights. We saw the last showing so it was a ghost town. |
Wednesday... what do I even say about you Wednesday? I am not referring to Wednesday Addams because she is cool but this Wednesday known as the day I thought I was going to die/go off the deep end of insanity/pull a Michael Douglas in 'Falling Down'. I made the very, very poor decision to ignore meteorologist predictions and venture out to return a coat. Yes, I realize how stupid that sounds, "oh I went into the jungle to return a coat and covet things at Target and it was worth it losing that leg to that Tiger." Trust me, I paid dearly for my stupid decisions (as I usually do bah!). I returned the hot pink peacoat I bought the day before because it just looked horrible on me - being too big and all. It was only slushie like weather outside when I had first arrived - nothing too serious, nothing too delicious. I looked for another coat in my size but no such luck. I tried on a few things but they all looked like bad. Decided to venture over to the dark side (shoes) - and happened upon a many I tried on and fancied but decided against (or couldn't afford). Happened upon a cute pair of clearance boots, tried them on and heard sweet music that means only one thing - MINE!
yes that is my skin and not a strawberry milkshake poured into leg molds. I really have no clue why my skin looks so pink. |
see, see. Cute with the pants. I thought so at least. |
Well as I was pondering boots purchases and walking about I started to notice that the abundant amount of fellow customers had trickled down to maybe a small handful, something told me "BAD OMEN". Weather has gone down hill, literally. Get to the register, buy said boots that ended up being only $6.00!!
But just as I was getting excited, looked outside and saw to my horrors - that it looked as if the Dude had spilled his white Russian all over the state of Virginia. I was none too pleased, that is a waste of booze and a real pain in the ass to drive in. SO to cut a long story short. I put on boots and headed to my car, got snow in my ears, had to shove my glasses into my cleavage for protection, and my hair was dripping wet by the time I got in my car. I made it safely home
2 and 1/2 hours later to go 6 miles. I'm honestly not exaggerating. It took some of my friends 7-8 hours to get home in this shizzle. It was none too pleasant. When I got home though I did have a nice long chat with our new roommate, Dawn, who is actually really awesome. It was really nice to have a chat and have someone laugh at my lame jokes and it was my first time besides brief introductions of getting to know her a little.
We decided to help out D and Z who lost all power and ended up getting in a really horrifying fender bender, slid on ice and hit the guard rail, and generally had anxiety the rest of the ride to Z's sisters house. BUT everyone is safe and sound (there's only some body damage and some scratches to my fiance's car) and that is all we can ask for (safety. safety dance. we can dance if we want to), and red velvet cake, I expect some damn red velvet cake after the day I went through!
If anyone is in the area of the white Russian (snowy) mess, be safe! (I'm sorry if there are grammar/spelling issues but I'm way too tired to proofread everything right now, you like my mistakes dammit :)
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