Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hey everyone, I'm (mostly) back and have so much catching up to do. I had such a great time and have so many pictures and memories to share with you. Unfortunately, I caught an infection and a cold simultaneously towards the end of our trip so I'm waiting to spring back into normalcy, which as often as I experience illness you might count as normalcy /immunesystemfail. We arrived home early this morning and the cats were extremely elated to see us as were we to see them, I was hopping in my seat, I couldn't wait to see their faces - I've squeezed in many a cuddle with them today despite being pretty ill. I will be back soon with all the details and many, MANY pictures but here is a little sneak preview of Savannah, Georgia and Caladesi State Park in Dunedin, FL.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
It is rando time, not to be confused with Rambo time...
I had to post this picture, I just had to, I'd photoshop it but I lack that skill.
The gorgeous Arielle of Humble Pie Vintage recently partook in 'The Versatile Blogger' award she was tagged and instead of tagging people, she left it open ended for anyone that wanted to participate and I thought hey - I'll board that train, any excuse to hand out random information about myself. I love reading other peoples lists of random facts about themselves so hopefully you do too.
Rules: 7 Random Facts:
- I've probably mentioned this before but I'm pretty tall at 5'9", I had a friend tell me I could pass for an inhabitant of Giant Island (there was some myth that there was a Giant and Midget Island stashed about in hidden places) and I wasn't sure how to take that but it is a fact that I'm quite tall for a lady. I was already about 5'7" in middle school but I didn't get self conscious about my height until I was about 13, I really hated it then because I felt it made me masculine because I was taller than the average girl. I'm mostly fine with it now but I still don't care for high heeled shoes.
- I love toast, seriously, I think it is divine. Pretty much anything toasted is good, with that said I prefer all candy and chocolate to be chilled. If you put it in the freezer it gets too frozen but if you put it the fridge it is all kinds of right.
- I'm told I come across as pretty shy when most people first meet me, I just figured everyone came across as shy when they first met people? When I actually get comfortable around a person it is completely different; I'm loud, inappropriate, hyper, ridiculous... not all the time mind you.
- I keep my sleeping bag from when I was an elementary school in the back hatch of my car. It is a Beverly Hills 90210 sleeping bag and it has Dylan and Brandon on it. Most people don't believe me but then I show them the evidence! Why do I keep it there? In case I end up in a ditch and get cold of course! Actually, I don't really know why.
- I like history, more specifically I like: WWII, Ancient Civilizations, Queens, Shipwrecks, True Crime, etc.
- Another random fact about me in this random list is that I love making lists. I will think of reasons to make lists, I love list-making.
- I'm fascinated by Christmas lights. I'd cover every room of my house in them if I could.
Friday, February 3, 2012
I'm sure you've heard about or experienced the unusually warm weather we've been graced with in this neck of the woods and you know what they say, warm weather knocks on the door and asks if you can come out and play Spice Girls in the back yard. No one says that, some of us however did do that, I always played as Baby Spice- Ginger Spice when I was feeling saucy. Because of fore-mentioned weather, I've been venturing into the wild - Hide yo' kids - more than usual. My boyfriend and I went to Battlefield Park on Tuesday where I talked the entire time and giggled like an escapee from a mental ward when a muddy, large, and very excited dog jumped all over me, he was such a cute doggie - I want a dog with A.D.D, we can be hyper together! Yay. Trust me, the cheese (the hyper cheese) stands alone right now, my boyfriend is very calm. I decided to return to the park on Wednesday with my ipod and my dance moves. I took my fair share of pictures, so I hope you like trees and old fences, wee.
Besides my great outdoor adventures, my boyfriend and I went to dinner on Sunday where I had an allergic reaction/possible asthma attack from mystery feathers. I don't know where these friggin feathers came from, I just know that my nasal passage went nuts and feathers were on my coat when we left. So, show yourself Chicken Lady, quit feather bombing me! I did not steal your quarter horsey ride (seriously, what is the official name of those things? I have absolutely no clue!). *cough*Anyone else watch Kids in the Hall? On Monday we saw 'Underworld: Awakening', had dinner at 'The Cheesecake Factory' aka leftovers for days, and then I stopped by Pinkberry where they had blood (angel hymns) orange as a topping. I squealed inside when I saw they had them, it would have been out loud but I was alone.
We have 9 days till we start our Florida vacation and I'm trying not to think about it too much because I'm still not flippin prepared (I don't know what to wear! Insert fake cry, a pause, then continued fake crying). The funny thing is that it has been so warm here in Virginia that I don't think Florida is going to feel all that different, besides the very important fact that I'm putting flip flops on my feet when I'm in Florida and not taking those suckers off until we leave. No shame, I like flip flops.
Thanks everyone for the comments about my precious kitteh babies. Halo insisted I share this picture of him posing on the couch so here you go. Look at his wittle belly, so cute. Hero has been bad this week, he peed twice in our bedroom and we can't figure out why. I hate when the cats act up out of nowhere especially since I am the worst disciplinarian ever, ever ever, I just go "bad, bad" and then cuddle them. I'm a bit stressed about leaving them for 2 weeks but hopefully they will be well behaved and cared for while we are gone. If not someone, who isn't of the feline classification, is going to get it. By it I mean cap in the ass. I hope to make the post I had planned about packing before I leave but ugh, I have a ton to do before we leave, I'm feeling a little frazzled! I watched 'The Ides of March' yesterday, I thought the Ryan Gosling lovers might fancy a mention of him. It was a good movie, I recommend it, even if just for ogling over the Gosling.
Today I tried to dance to playlists and ended up sitting on my ass after two songs, I did however pick up the cats and twirl them around a time or two- they hated it. If I don't end up posting before I leave for Florida just know now that I'll probably be posting a ton of pictures when I return. I hope I see an alligator when I'm in Florida... from a very far distance but still hope to see one! Have a great weekend!
Today I tried to dance to playlists and ended up sitting on my ass after two songs, I did however pick up the cats and twirl them around a time or two- they hated it. If I don't end up posting before I leave for Florida just know now that I'll probably be posting a ton of pictures when I return. I hope I see an alligator when I'm in Florida... from a very far distance but still hope to see one! Have a great weekend!
hide yo' kids
into the wild
kitteh poses
shaking it
tales of shaking it
the hyper cheese
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