Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I had a pretty bitchin' weekend, I might have mentioned this before but my weekend runs Sunday through Tuesday (the days my boyfriend has off work) so Wednesday is sort of my Monday. That was a bit of a brain teaser, if Rachel's Monday is your Sunday, what is her Tuesday? I will give partial credit for witty retorts. We spent our weekend sight seeing at Skyline Drive, shopping, eating at new restaurants, and making sex jokes with friends (balls, holes, humps - c'mon) whilst mini golfing. So bitchin', indeed.
We spent time at Target and a used bookstore over the weekend so I'm feeling mighty spoiled and happy. I haven't even shared pictures of my loot from my vacation so I'm in major slack mode in loot regard but I will get to it.
Another (I swear this is my last time I'll say the "b" word) bitchin' development is the fact that instagram has finally come to the android so add me, my name is honeysuckelle.
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You're weekend does sounds pretty awesome - regardless of when it runs relative to mine. It sounds a lot more bitchin' than mine at least...
Courtney ~
well it does sound pretty bitchin if i do say so myself! I think if your sunday is my tuesday i feel screwed over.... I blame the schools.
anyway yes instagram! cool. the only thing is that its yet another thing I have to worry about following and responding and reposting and etc, i am so busy that i can barely keep up with just the blog. its madness i say! MADNESS! but i will try it just because i like the nifty-ness of it..
dont ever limit yourself when it comes to using the b word. Sometimes its the only way to describe something and your weekend sounds pretty dam bitchin.
Thank you, it was a pretty dandy weekend to have, I hope this weekend is bitchin' for you.
Haha, yeah after I typed it I was like "wait a second...".
I love instagram, I was waiting (rather impatiently) for it to come. Busy is good, madness is sometimes good (: I added you on instagram earlier!
what era did people say "bitchin", I don't even recall? My weekend was very "b" word, hopefully this weekend will be have some more "b" word for both of us.
That first picture is so cool! I stared at it when you posted it on Facebook for like 5 minutes. That pizza thing is crazy lookin. Also, I have Instagram but I've never used it. I know it must be good but I just haven't gotten around to it.
Thank you, it is really beautiful at Skyline Drive and the filters on instagram worked wonders on the picture. The pizza was really good actually, I kinda wish the potatoes had been a little more crispy. You should definitely use instagram, it is fun to use!
I LOVE that tree picture!!!!!
Thank you, it was a really fabulous tree. This particular cliff or whatever it is called had a really nifty name (which I also forgot lol, jesus) it was something like Little Devil.
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