Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Hey everyone, I hope you had a dandy Zombie Jesus day! I joked with my boyfriend that it was more accurately described as excuse to eat homemade macaroni and cheese day, not that mac n' cheese needs an excuse... On Friday, I went to the Baltimore Aquarium with my family, I had not been in a super long time so I was very excited. I'm from Baltimore and although I'm not the biggest fan of Baltimore, Baltimore pretty much feels like my "home city". We started off the day having breakfast at Starbucks and the rest of the day dodging children at shark tanks and being stalked by jelly fish. On Saturday I hung out with my friend, Summer, and we did a lot of shopping, catching up, and giggling. It had been a long time since I stepped inside an Old Navy and I found the most perfect cardigan ever, it has a muffin humping' (I'm trying to come up with alternative curse words) hood! I also got a pink and white dress, I'm really exploring my love of pink lately, just in time for Spring! Florals... for spring, groundbreaking (yes, this is a movie quote). Sunday was a low key day of watching chick flicks and eating Easter dinner. To round out an excellent weekend, my boyfriend took me to Maggianos for lasagna and an apple crostada on Monday. How was your easter? What do you consider your "home city"?
Since this post has been full of scary creatures (hey, I didn't post any pictures of myself this week... jokesy), I figured I'd round up the entry with some cute and a picture of my baby, Halo. Any excuse to post pictures of cats/my cat is good for me.
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Your Easter sounds really nice! I spent mine drinking with friends on a stoop. And it was pretty spectacular.
Courtney ~
there are muffins humping on your hood? That might the best thing ever. If muffins arent actually humping on your hood then I vote for creating a new line of clothes wherein muffins and various other baked goods hump each other. You down? ;)
Drinking on a stoop with friends sounds quite fun. Was anyone dressed in a bunny costume? That would have rounded out the holiday perfectly! I had a pretty great holiday, glad to hear you did too!
I am totally down, I do have one question, what happens to the person that loses all free will and eats the tasty muffins? Dependent on the muffin it could be quite hard for me to resist, even if they have an awesome ability to hump clothing...
My cat accidentally put his paw on the keyboard for the "14", apparently someone owes him $14.
I love aquariums! One time I went to the one in New Orleans and I had to fight kids the whole time. Like there was this little pool where you could pet stingrays and these kids kept skipping me?! Like I'm too big to pet stingrays! That's not even possible. And you can't like threaten/cuss/or hit them bc their stupid overprotected parents are always watching! Anyways, my home town is a few hours south of where I live now. I like going home to be at my parent's home/my childhood home but I hate going out into the city. It reminds me of being a teenager and old friends I'm not friends with anymore and just makes me sick. haha.
On other news, my roommate is going to Maryland Death Fest in Baltimore in May and he has been looking forward to it for like a year and a half. So I've heard nonstop Maryland chit chat for too long. lol
Aquariums are all sorts of awesome, I think I've only been to one thus far though - isn't that sad? I need to go back on a day that kids are in school but even then you still have the preschool kids to fight off. I have such a hard time not being rude to rude children, usually I just want to be like "where the flying f are your parents and why don't they teach you manners?!". One is never too big to pet stingrays! I rarely go into my "home city" as well, it took us about 30 minutes just to get out of downtown Baltimore the day we went to the Aquarium. My "home city" reminds me of my early 20's and going out and stuff. I can't even wear the perfume I use to wear during those days because it just reminds me of everything and just ugh, no. Oh, Maryland Death Fest huh? I think I've gone to that before. I've been to Sonar many times though, I'm sure he will have a good time.
At first I thought that was the cimneys from the Titanic.
What an awesome weekend! Dang. I have never been to Baltimore, but would love to visit. I love aquariums. I like your new curse word, lol. Congrats on the cute clothes finds and the yummy food. Halo is adorable :] I would say Chicago is my home city - hopefully I will actually be living in it sooner than later.
Haha, I see the resemblance.
It was a pretty good weekend. You should definitely visit Baltimore, go to the aquarium and see some of the kooky places Baltimore has to offer. I was saying "muffin humping/muffin humpers" all day, I think even the sting rays were annoyed haha. Cute clothes and yummy food, is there anything better? Thank you, I think so too about Halo. I have never been to Chicago, it is somewhere I hope to visit eventually. Thanks so much for the comment and welcome back, can't wait to hear all about your trip to Japan.
seriously that cat picture totally did it for me, i was all oohing and ahhing at the other pictures till i got to that one and just wanted to touch my nose to the screen haha, pictures of cats always approved! :) seems like you had a very nice jesus zombie day. :) Hmm home city is always a tough one for me...I grew up multi cultural. croatian family, born in bosnia, lived in germany, grew up in SLC, UT, currently living in vienna, so i really dont know, but I guess the place where I grew up has always had a very special place in my heart... :)
aw really nice pictures and the cat is adorable! :)x
would really like if your would check out my blog...maybe follow?
I hope you had a lovely zombie-jesus day! I love a good day in with chick flicks! xx
Hehe, thank you, that is my reaction to the Halo. I did have a very lovely Zombie Jesus day. Wow, you've lived all over, sounds fun to me considering I've barely left the area I was raised in. I wish I had more tender feelings towards the place I grew up at but I guess I grew up all over Maryland. Thanks for the comment.
Thank you on both, I will check out your blog!
Thank you! I agree, I usually watch chick flicks alone since no one, besides my mom and little sisters, like them. I did however spend half the movie yelling at the screen so haha... not sure if it was a positive experience for everyone.
Where are the photos of your pretty clothes? I wanna see the pretty cardi and dress, please! Also, are those sharks in that one picture? AND JELLYFISH? because that is too cool for school! And so is your darling kitty!!!
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
I know, I'm so behind on my loot pictures, I have a upcoming loot post - I love seeing other peoples loot/haul posts. The cardigan from Old Navy I love and I can't seem to find it online :( but I found a similar one I'll link to here. Yes, they're pictures of sawfish and one blurry shark. I love how some of the jellyfish pictures came out, for some reason the jellyfish portion of the Aquarium wasn't very busy. Aww, thank you about Halo. I'll tell him (:
ohhh those fish are cool! I always love going to aquariums, it's just such a peaceful thing and you see a lot of neat things
Yeah, I find sea life very interesting, I sadly didn't get to read much about the different creatures there because it was so crowded with people. Aquariums contain a certain type of magic. Thanks for the comment!
Halo is so cute! And I agree, I'll use any excuse to share a cat pic :)
Hehe, thank you, I have to say that I quite agree with you. Cats <3
Oh I absolutely love aquariums, I can spend all day in them. Your pictures are amazing, I always find it so hard to get good pictures of the fish, they never look as amazing in the photo as they do in real life :( And oh my god, your kitty.. I want to snuggle him/her! ♥
Me too, I really wish the Aquariums weren't always so crowded the times I've been, I love to just sit there and watch them swim around. Thank you, I tried to get as many good pictures as I could, I was disappointed that I couldn't get more shark pictures. I agree with you, animals are amazing. Hehe, aww, thank you -Halo is adorable.
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