Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Hey everyone, I have exciting news to share with you, later this month - can't believe it is July already - I am flying to Florida to look at a house and if I like it, there is a pretty big possibility we might move there! I'm excited but also a little scared at the idea of moving almost 900 miles away. I've always lived in the Washington D.C/Baltimore area but I've always been the type of person that wanted to live many places so although I'm a bit nervous about it I'm really excited at the prospect as well, the cost of living is much less in Florida and it seems like a less stressful place to be. Plus I mean beach, sunny skies, and year around flip flop weather is nothing to throw a beach ball at. If it works out that I get there and decide I don't like the house we have decided to move out of the place we live now either way, which is such a huge relief to me because as some of you may know I really don't care for my current living situation. My only issue now is I'm really impatient so I'm going to be counting down the days till I get to fly to Florida and then after that till we finally get to move. It makes things a bit odd though because I'm not quite sure what will be happening, just that things will be changing. My boyfriends band had previously been booked to perform at a show in Brooklyn, NY later this month but they had to cancel, I'm bummed it got cancelled because I love visiting New York but the timing was a bit tricky for everyone so it really is for the best. Besides all of that I've done a little shopping here and there, I got some new Monster High dolls, a tribal print dress, some dvds and books, and a purse I have since broke...
Last weekend I hung out with my friend Summer and we had wildly inappropriate conversations while getting pedicures, I watched the entire season of 'Girls', and I got to indulge in one of my favorite Summertime treats - snowballs with marshmallow on top (my hand looks really weird in that picture). In other news, I'm thinking of changing my hair here soon but I'm not quite sure, I've been really stressed out and feel like my hair is falling out left and right because of it.
There was a pretty big storm that occurred here a few days ago and knocked down a ton of trees and left a bunch of people without power but luckily all is well here. Yesterday I picked up some more library books so between those, my new dvds, The Sims 3, planning a trip, and planning a move, I've felt remarkably busy.
There was a pretty big storm that occurred here a few days ago and knocked down a ton of trees and left a bunch of people without power but luckily all is well here. Yesterday I picked up some more library books so between those, my new dvds, The Sims 3, planning a trip, and planning a move, I've felt remarkably busy.
I feel like such a crappy blogger, I've been super distracted... just now I decided it was a good idea to paint the nails on only my left hand so distracted indeed.
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I hope you like the house in Florida! If you move to Florida, I have to come see you. I've been wanting to go to Florida for awhile. Those monster dolls are really cool looking. I've always liked them but I don't own any. Have you blogged and showed your entire collection? I'd love to see them!
Wow, that's such exciting news! T'm moving right now back to Canada so I totally get how scary a giant move is but it can also be so rewarding.
Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com
Ooooh,moving to Florida sounds too exciting! That is my home state, and it rocks :)
Love the Monster High dolls as well, I am thinking about collecting those.
What Lola Wants
We've seen pictures of the house and I can't imagine I won't like it but it really seems necessary to see it in person to make sure (and to check the a/c capabilities).
I'm totally hoping to have guests come by if I move to Florida, I'm really excited at that prospect actually. You definitely have to be our guest, be our guest, be ourrrrr guest... flippin 'Beauty in the Beast' song is forever locked into my psyche.
I really should do a post about my growing Monster High dolls, I have quite a few at this point.
@Courtney - I'm certainly excited although a little scared, any big change is scary/exciting. I hope your move is going smoothly and I was wondering, when moving a ways away with cats in tow, how that works? My cats really panic when their being moved and the whole potty situation I'm not sure about too - I'm supposing leashes and walking?
@Adrienne - We have a friend that moved to Florida and she seems insanely happy, so hopefully the same will happen for my boyfriend and I. The idea almost feels unreal right now, I think it will hit me right before I fly there. Yay about Monster High, I hope you do, then we can chat about the dolls!
I think you're just giddy with excitement! Who wouldn't love to live by the beach? I am hoping it all goes well and you can set on your next adventure! Life is all about adventures, right? :)
I have never heard of a snocone before with marshmallows on top. That sounds DIVINE.
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
@Laura Go
Haha, I know the giddy feelings are going to increase as I get closer to the date of leaving and thank you for the well wishes. Life is definitely about adventures and I can't wait to set upon a new adventure.
It's funny because growing up we had a snowball truck who came around the neighborhood and I always got snowballs with marshmallow BUT when we moved snowballs became hard to come by. I love them though, I really need to visit this snowball stand before the Summer months are over.
Yay!! Florida sounds like a fun and fantastic place to move too. Plus, I am glad you will be moving out of your current situation on to bigger and better things :] I can't wait to hear more about your new adventures. How many Monster High Dolls do you have now? I'd love to see the entire collection. Also, do you open them? Or just display them? They look so cool.
I really hope so, when my boyfriend and I were visiting in February we had a few people tell us not to move to Florida and it did scare me a little bit but I think perhaps they were just having a bad State day (you know where you're just really burnt out on the place you live and want a change?). Me too about moving and thank you, you are so sweet. I think total I have about 13 Monster High dolls now. I definitely will have to make a post about my collection soon. I usually open all of them, although very carefully, because I just can't control myself haha but I've only pulled a few completely out of the boxes. I'm trying to keep the boxes thus far and I'm not sure exactly if I'm going to display them, most likely I will.
yayyy!!! Moving to Florida would be awesome!!!!
Oh and dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight??? I did plenty of that in Vegas- Hunter-style! ;) x
@wait until the sunset
I really hope so, I fly to FL in 4 days to check out the house so I'm crossing my fingers that I like it. Heck if I don't like it there are still plenty of awesome places. Vegas sounds like so much fun, Batman/Hunter/any stylezz :)
I totally missed this post. My Bad. Good luck with the whole potential Florida move. I think its could to venture out of your comfort zone and explore a new place. Hope you find a house you like. Your summer sounds like its going well. Girls is probably my favorite new show and cant wait for the second season. And you know how much I love the Sims 3. Did you see that they are coming out with a fantasy themed game where you can be a fairy or werewolf or things of that nature?! So excited!
That's okay and thank you so much about the potential FL move. I love the idea of living and exploring somewhere new although I am a wee bit scared. I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to like 'Girls' but I haven't been able to get it off my mind since I watched it, I'm also looking forward to seeing what happens in the second season. Yes, I'm really excited about the newest The Sims 3 pack, Supernatural sounds like fun! I wonder if the werewolves actually hurt people or not....
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