Saturday, September 15, 2012
Hey there, as most of you know, actually I think at this point Aliens from another Universe would have caught on to the fact that I am obsessed with 'Mad Men'. So it should not be much of a surprise to you that this inspiration post is about some of the ladies of 'Mad Men'. I'm going a little bit out of order of appearance in the series with the characters but I think you'll forgive me. I just bought 'Mad Men: Season 4' and listened to the commentary for the entire season so these three characters are the fore front of my mind.
Joan Holloway/Harris is known for her curves, her strut, and she knows how to dress in the best way to show off all her assets. In the 4th and 5th seasons she does start to wear more 1960's patterns and colors but she does tend to stick to solid colors and fitted dresses. I'd kill for her figure and her closet.
Next is the career driven, creative, and adorable Peggy Olson who has been growing into her style as the seasons have gone on. She dresses professional but of the time.
Lastly, for this post anyway, is Megan Calvet/Draper. Megan is the epitome of a gorgeous french actress from the time period and her outfits are vibrant and young. Megan has a killer sense of style and another wardrobe I would not mind having. I think all of the pictures below are from Megan in season 5 but you catch her style drift.
So how did I do? I plan on doing another 'Mad Men' inspiration post with the ladies from the series that I left off so I'll see you in that post.
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I love that show - great post. And I love all the Joan outfits you made, they're so perfect.
Courtney ~
LUV LUV LUV...Your post is amazing. I do not know what I love more the clothes or the shoes.
I think you did a great job!! All of these outfits look spot on for the characters looks. I will admit though - I have only seen two episodes. I hated that men were only in control (although, yes that is how it way) so I tuned out. Maybe I should give it another go.
I'm watching Mad Men right now! I'm addicted too. I think Joan has the best body too. I love Peggy though, she's my fave character. In the earlier seasons she dressed plain and they made her look not so attractive, but now that I'm on season 4 I've noticed how pretty she is and how well she dresses now. I haven't met the third girl yet but I knew that Don got re-married so nothings spoiled for me. I used to like Betty but she became a serious bitch after they divorced(although he was a crappy husband).
@Courtney Erin
Mad Men is perfection, I can't wait for season 6! Thank you, I think I got most of Joans outfits from Dorothy Perkins.
@SemiCleanSlate...In Progress
Aww, thank you! I did find some pretty amazing clothes and shoes, now if only I could somehow click a button and they'd all appear in my closet in my size...
Thank you, I wasn't sure if I thought the Peggy looks worked but they grew on me. The first few episodes were very heavy on the equality issue I thought but the series gets better as it goes on although women were still repressed and treated unfairly through that entire time period. I definitely think you should give it another go, it is a great show.
Thank you!
I'm so glad to come across another 'Mad Men' addict, in my personal life I haven't met many people that watch the show so my boyfriend has to hear me talk about it non-stop and he doesn't always know the episodes I'm talking about but I could talk about this show for hourrrsss. Joan's figure is amazzing, gah, I would kill for her figure. I like Peggy too, she is so strong and creative and her style is definitely evolved to show off her natural beauty.
Omg, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the end of season 4 because I admit, I was raging at Mr. Don Draper. It totally didn't occur to me to tag this post with spoilers too for those who haven't seen the entire series thus far, eek :\
Betty is such a hard character, she is so beautiful and has so much potential but she is just so childish and selfish. I wish we saw more good moments from Betty but it was a tough time period to be a wife/mother and she definitely was not equipped for some of the roles she took on.
I just finished season 4 last night. I'm not going to lie, I knew Don married a girl named Megan and I knew his new secretary's name was Megan but I didn't really even think about it lol. Eh, I'm not mad he married her. It was fucked up a little because he was hooking up with/dating that blonde Faye woman and she was pretty cool and smart, and then he just gets with Megan the day Faye leaves. But I like Megan too so I don't mind them being married. I'm anxious to start season 5 now so I can see how that starts panning out. Speaking of, the episode where Don's old lady secretary dies is the funniest thing ever. That and the 'Don and Pryce drunk wild night' episode. I think I need to come stay with you so we can re-watch the entire series and pause it to talk about every little detail there is. You're the only girl I know obsessed with it too that can really talk about it. I just love the world they live in.
I like Megan and I liked Faye as well, at the time, before I had seen season 5 all I could think was how stupid Don was for rushing into a second marriage with someone he barely knew. It always drives me nuts when I see people (even TV characters apparently haha) rushing into relationships because in the end it usually does not end well and ends with emotional wounds that do not go away overnight. I was hoping for some huge Don evolution and it seemed like he was falling back to his old ways with being impulsive and indulgent but I suppose people usually do fall back into old habits. I feel a lot differently since watching season 5 though. I also really liked Faye and it almost seemed to me he passed her up because she wasn't good with children (I could probably relate because I'm not good with kids) which I guess I could understand, he wants a good mother figure for his children.
I can't wait till you finish season 5, we'll have much more to discuss! I am on my seat in anticipation waiting for season 6.
Haha, Ms. Blankenship was so funny. In the commentary for season 4 they talk about how hard it was for them to not laugh during that entire scene. I loved when Megan walked back to the desk to pick up the desk thing (I'm totally blanking on what it is called?) and she was carrying it like it was hazardous to her health - too funny!
Lane was so damn hysterical in the episode when they went out together. I loved when he shouted at the person in the theater while watching 'Godzilla'.
You totally should visit, we might have to arrange such a trip in the future.
I want to be interjected into the series, like in the movie Pleasantville, and just live there, even though I know there would be a struggle in certain respects.
whaaat I love joan!!!!!!!!!!!! and peggy, such awesome women! Megane however....i don't know, I'm a little indifferent about her lol. i love the dresses you picked loveeee it! so much! I cant wait for mad men to come back, its really such a good show. btw did you ever get the dress you won on my blog? the one that looks like one of joans dresses from the show. It was supposed to be shipped directly from shabby apple so I have no idea if it all went smoothly or not...hmmm! hope you got it though! :))
@Thick Threads
I love Joan too, what an epic hottie she is. Peggy is the shit too, especially considering the time and the bs she had to put up with (yes, I know the characters are actually real people but to meeee they areee). I was annoyed with the Megan character at first but I've grown to like her more as the series has gone on. I can't wait for it to come back either! I'm counting the days and I mean really counting because they STILL haven't announced when season 6 will be on!!! I did get the dress I won, it was too small :( That's what I get for having a huge ass. It is a really cute dress though and I'm trying to maintain a more healthy lifestyle so perhaps I will be able to wear the Joan dress in the future. Thank you about outfits, polyvore is so much fun (that reminds me that I haven't logged into polyvore in awhile...).
oh this was fun to see! and makes me want to start watching mad men again... i got up to season 3 I think but that was nearly a year ago by now so i dont even know who the french lady is! amazing outfits indeed : )
Thank you! I definitely recommend watching season 4 and 5, they are both pretty good. I can't wait for season 6!
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