Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Hey everyone. This was my fiance's last Sunday through Tuesday weekend, he switches to Thursday through Saturday (unless his schedule changes ...again) and we spent it pretty much how we usually spend our weekends - which usually includes me convincing him to give into my food cravings (stir fry at Genghis Grill, hamburgers, cookies, and too many hot dogs - "Many hot dogs are within you") and dragging him from store to store to look at Monster High sections and to hold my purse while I try on clothes and shoes. We also looked at comic books and role playing games so he had some fun too. I had a really limited shopping budget and I'm a super indecisive shopper already and ya know how it usually goes, you have a limited budget so you see 1342930482039 things you want and can only get one or can't afford 1342930482037 of the things you see. Why do they insist on making and stocking sparkly things when I don't have the budget to make them mine? I saw some sparkly bow flip flops, sparkly bow ballet flats, and a sparkly embellished cardigan all during my shopping adventure and I must say. how. dare. thee! That is three of my favorite things sparklified! Everyone knows I can't control myself around sparkly stuff. Everyone! Even the dead (...idk). The ballet flats didn't come in my size but I tried to squeeze my foot into a sz 9 anyway, even though I'm somewhere between a sz 10-11. I'm still thinking about the things I put back: which also include a hot pink cross body purse, a plaid fitted skirt originally from Talbots, a leather jacket on clearance, and a blue and purple sheer top. I ultimately ended up with a Monster High doll I've been coveting. I saw this really gorgeous white silk button up top with floral details at Burlington Coat Factory that I keep seeing twirl about on a hanger inside my head. Help me, I am addicted to wanting everything. I really try not to go overboard with my "wants" when it comes to shoes/clothes/purses/toys but I almost always do but hey if they'd stop making so much cute stuff then I wouldn't have to want it all. I know I've mentioned this problem of mine before but it doesn't seem to ever calm down. Does anyone else have this problem?
Speaking of clothes I have to share pictures of my two new favorite things in my wardrobe including these destroyed denim jeans I picked up from Target for less than $10 and this lace skirt from Deb that I think is absolutely stunning and was on sale for like $15. Have I mentioned how much I adore my black We Love Colors tights, they are the most comfy tights I have ever worn in my life! Gimme lifetime supply! I like how I couldn't be bothered to stand up and take pictures of my clothes, that is very typical of my slacker behavior.
Anyway, besides all my EXCESSIVE shopping lust, my Fiance and I watched 'Looper' and saw a trailer for 'Dark Skies'. I really enjoyed 'Looper', I thought it was a really original concept and I love anything that deals with "time travel." 'Dark Skies' looks creepy and full of aliens so I'm excited to catch that one, I love a good scary Alien movie.
I was really bummed to discover that I lost two followers but I haven't been keeping up with my blogging so I suppose I understand :( I do have to respond with "STELLLLLLLLLLLLLA" because I enjoy pretending to shout that in the streets and, and... you followers should come back...
I'm creeping up on my 100th post and I'm thinking of doing something special to celebrate but I'm not quite sure what yet. I've also slashed the prices in my shop, if anyone is interested most of the things are still up for sale. I haven't had much luck with my shop but would anyone be interested in shoes? They would be mostly in sizes 10 and 11. Lets me know.
I'm creeping up on my 100th post and I'm thinking of doing something special to celebrate but I'm not quite sure what yet. I've also slashed the prices in my shop, if anyone is interested most of the things are still up for sale. I haven't had much luck with my shop but would anyone be interested in shoes? They would be mostly in sizes 10 and 11. Lets me know.
Well, I've been superfluous enough for one day (superfluous, what a great effin' word ) so I better go. Talk soon loves and I haven't forgotten about my loot post I just keep getting distracted, but those of you who play The Sims 3 (cue the screenshots) know what I mean by distraction - aka 8 hours of playing that feels like 2 hours.
burlington coat factory
dark skies
more aliens
shop my closet
shopping addict
shopping for sparkly stuff
the sims 3
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I saw that skirt on your IG and fell in LOVE! So very pretty! And I know what you mean about wanting and being on a tight budget. I used to be really bad about wanting and overspending, so I went on a shopping ban and that gave me time to assess my wants and needs and also be resourceful. i swear, i credit those 6 months of no shopping for my diy mentality!
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
ohhh i love the skirt you got and the jeans are super cute! you got a really good deal on both things. I knw what you mean with not having a big enough budget to buy all the awesome things in stores...meh..therefore i window shop. Your fiance is a sweet heart for going along and doing all that fun stuff with you, I could get my bf to go with me at all! ever.
I loved looper too, it was a really cool movie, i love time travel stuff aswell so that was awesome.
Welp, gotta get back to my sims family...the ones I spend my quality time with :D
@Laura Go
Thank you, it is still for sale on Deb's website! I don't wear much white/cream colored things so washing it is going to be a pain. I'm super bad about overspending and wanting at least 2 things from every store I walk into, I'm actually much better than I use to be but I'm still pretty bad. I was on a purse buying ban for a good 2 years but I broke it today and bought a Betsey Johnson purse and even then I saw another one I desperately wanted too.
Those are good tips, one thing I have started trying to do is plan my purchases better, like if I'm not 100% in love I'll wait it out to see how I feel in the following days and if I can't stop thinking about it then I go back for it. Sometimes it works...
You are such a fabulous DIYer, I wish I had any tiny shred of sewing skills.
@Thick Threads
Thank ya, thank ya. I'm wearing the jeans again today so to say I like them is a bit of an understatement. I try to shop clearance racks and sales but I'm not always good about it. I window shop online almost non-stop but I get in trouble when I go in a store because when I see something I just have to have I lose control and get it. My fiance is a total sweetheart, I drag him so many places and make him buy me so many things, I'm like a bratty child lol gah. My fiance usually finds a place to sit down while I look about the stores and then I go to him for advice, he doesn't seem to mind when he has a place to sit down but I could be totally kidding myself.
It was a really cool movie huh? My fiance said it was "enjoyable" but could have been better. Scoff at his face, SCOFF. I really loved the kid, Sid, he was cute yet creepy. I loved how they showed how things could have been if things turned out one way versus another. Joseph Gordon Levitt was really amazing in it too.
Haha, same here. I'm shuffling between 3 families right now too so I'm going nutso!
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