Tuesday, May 8, 2012
In one of my last entries I talked about my "home city" of Baltimore and ever since then have been feeling a little homesick, which is kind of strange for me because I've had sort of a rocky relationship with Baltimore. Sometimes I feel I get too caught up in being one of those people who feels like the grass is greener on the other side since I spent the majority of my youth wishing to be anywhere but where I was but I think the real problem is I've become immune to the beauty, quirk, and individuality of the place I'm from. Most of the time when I tell people I'm from Baltimore they either say
something like "I'm sorry" or "I would have never guessed", apparently my only tell tale sign of this is the fact that I unconciously add an "r" sound when I say wash. I think most people are guilty of being a bit color blind (so to speak) at times when it comes to a place we've lived for a long time. There is so little of Baltimore I've actually explored despite having grown up outside of it for most of my life and they're places I've been but haven't accurately adsorbed because of either the gap in time of going or because I went after I had a little too much hooch, if you know what I mean. I've never actually drank hooch, just in case you were wondering, I don't think I would even know hooch if I saw.
But the way I see it is despite it's problems (which are pretty numerous unfortunately), any city that has the likes of John Waters, Edgar Allan Poe, and inspires people like Mary Prankster can't be all that bad. Baltimore is definitely a unique city, which you might have already gathered from the infamous films of John Waters (Cry-Baby, Hairspray, and Serial Mom are some of my favorites). Baltimore is not all violence, drugs, crime (ala 'The Wire'), or quirk (every John Waters movie) - it has many sides to it. One thing that can be said for Baltimore is it certainly has character. I guess my point here is to give your hometown a chance, see all it has to offer and then try to think of it fondly when you move on. I'm trying to do that now, with not only my hometown, but my current city.
Oh and since I mentioned Mary Prankster I have to share some of her awesomely poignant music.
I hope that some of you will make a trip to visit Baltimore one day, go to The Baltimore Aquarium, eat at Papermoon, see a movie at The Charles Theatre, and explore the areas of Fells Point, Hampden, and further.
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I'd love to spend a little time in Baltimore before I head back to Canada - it's such a historic city!
Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com
You definitely should, I love exploring new and unfamiliar places. If you do stop in Baltimore let me know, perhaps we could meet up.
I've never been but I wouldn't mind. I feel the same way about my hometown and town I live in now, but I know I love Louisiana, I'm just ready to leave the state for a couple of years. I think we all suffer from the "grass is greener" complex though.
I hope you visit Baltimore one day just like I hope I get to visit Louisiana one day - preferably in the colder months lol. I definitely feel that people should travel and see all they can see so I can definitely understand wanting to explore. Grass is greener applies to so many things doesn't it?
That is really cool that Edgar Allen Poe lived there for a bit - I had no clue. Every town has its issues but that isn't a reason not visit. I grew up in the suburbs of Illinois - ughhh. Everything and everyone is the same. It is nice to have a bit of diversity and history where you live :]
I actually want to vistit Baltimore, it sounds pretty cool.
What Lola Wants
Edgar Allen Poe seemed to move about a bit but I know he did die in Baltimore. I agree with you about the issues of a town, I love seeing new towns, even if they're small. I've never been to Illinois but I hope to visit Chicago one day. It feels like the majority of people are extremely similar to one another doesn't it? People usually are surprising in small ways though. I definitely crave diversity. Thanks for the comment love.
I hope you do and if you do visit Baltimore, let me know, I'd love to meet you.
I loved reading this! Such a cool post. I've never been to Baltimore but I love visiting different places and your description was the perfect tourist sale! good job kid! Don Draper would be proud :) I'd deffinitely love to come visit seems like a pretty cool place to be :)
Was it? I thought I was selling Baltimore a bit short but I'm glad I seemed to have sparked peoples interest in the city I grew up outside of. People give me a lot of crap for being from Baltimore but I've had some really fabulous times in Baltimore. You should come visit sometime, I will show you around :)
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