Friday, May 11, 2012
Hey there, my unsuspecting guinea pigs! Get ready to face the wrath of my excessive free time...don't get scared, it's just my Polyvore addiction rearing it's two headed lizardy goodness. Sometimes I create outfits based on some of my favorite characters from movies and television and I thought, hey, that might make a good post (possible feature?). Maybe? No? Shut up and get in the van?
The inspiration for this post (and polyvore sets) were the characters Rebecca and Enid from one of my favorite movies, Ghost World. Now if you haven't seen Ghost World... what is the matter with you? (I'm joking but still sort of judging you, still joking). The story basically revolves around these two social outsiders played by Scarlett Johansson (Rebecca) and Thora Birch (Enid), who have just graduated high school and are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives, who they want to be, and who they want to be around. The movie is hysterical and also stars Steve Buscemi. The girls have a pretty unique sense of personal style that also demonstrates their evolving sense of self throughout the film. Rebecca plays the more seemingly approachable one and Enid is more of the eclectic. I'm no Hemingway so I apologize for the lackluster descriptions.
I'll start with Rebecca, whose style in the beginning of the movie consists mostly of shorts, boots, and simple shirts but as the show goes she starts wearing more feminine, classic, vintage inspired things. I know it is a small picture but I adore the green dress she wears in the picture above (bottom, right corner).
Here were my outfit inspirations for Rebecca:
I have to admit, I had more fun figuring out outfits for Enid, it is mentioned in the movie that Enid goes through "phases" with her style, including a punk phase and a "little old lady" phase. I like how both girls have their own sense of style, they dress how they want to dress, and I feel like they don't let other people or their friends influence what they wear - they wear what they wear because they like it.
Anywho, I hope that if you haven't seen the movie I've inspired you to see it. I'd also like to know if you guys think maybe I should make this a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc feature here and also I finally signed up for it so, Follow my blog with Bloglovin.
Enid Coleslaw
Ghost World
movie style
possible feature
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I suck at describing movies so don't feel bad haha. This would be a neat idea for a feature. I love Polyvore too! It's cool to seat what kind of styles people are drawn too. Ghost World is an awesome movie! I love Thora Birch though, so there's not much she could do that I wouldn't love. The aesthetics in this movie are so pleasing to the eye. Great outfits you chose. As far as when to do the feature, I guess it all depends on how often you'd feel like blogging. You could always try it as a weekly then switch to bi-weekly if it became too much of a hassle.
I adore this movie...and Enid's style as well. The outfits you came up with for her character are so perfect!
Courtney ~
This movie is kind of hard to describe as well, it kind of lacks a good description, it's just a quirky movie that everyone should see (in my opinion). I've been debating whether or not to start features or just have a sort of theme I go with and just do when I get the inspiration to do so. I looove polyvore, I feel like I'm playing barbies all over again. Thora Birch is wonderful isn't she? She doesn't seem to be doing too many projects lately, makes me sad. I'm not good at following schedules so I think you're right, thank you!
This movie never fails to make me laugh even though I've seen it about 150 times, I love Steve Buscemi's lovable geek character. Thank you! I kind of love all the outfits I picked out for the characters, I want them allll!
I would LOVE to raid Enid's closet. Seriously, you can hold her down and I'll steal all her clothes. We'll split 50-50.
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
Ghost World is such an frickin awesome movie. Enid had the best wardrobe, hands down.
What Lola Wants
Sounds good, I'll distract her for awhile and you head for the closet, we can share custody of the raptor t-shirt! Speaking of the raptor shirt, I saw someone make an almost identical t-shirt on etsy, too bad it was too small for me.
I couldn't agree more, Ghost World never ceases to make me laugh even though I've seen it a good 150 times. I was partial to her wardrobe myself, I would kill to stumble upon a yard sale of her clothing/goodies.
Ummmm AWESOME movie! I haven't seen it in awhile but it is pretty great. I think your looks are dead on. I am sure that Enid's was more fun to create. I love both of the sets though. This is a really fun feature - I say keep it going :] I always hit up polyvore when I need halloween costume inspiration.
I couldn't agree more, I haven't watched it in awhile either. Thank you, I was trying to make outfits I thought I could seriously imagine the characters in, even if some of the things I found were incredibly expensive. I will probably keep this feature going, thank you for the positive feedback. I love polyvore, it's such a fun website.
I haven't seen this movie!!! Judge away!! I'm going to go get it, watch it and then i'll be back.....
I've still never seen Ghost World! It looks super amazing! <3
Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog
Aww, you should see it, and there is no judgement over here. If you watch it, I hope you like it, I always feel responsible when I recommend a movie to someone and they don't care for it.
You should definitely see it when you get the chance, I really love the movie. If you see it tell me your thoughts on it.
Oh what a cool post! I love Erin's outfits most, her clothes are girly, fun, playful but always edgy and with a rock'n roll/punk twist. :) I think she's an inspiration for many girls who love alternative clothing!
Thank you. I love Enid's outfits as well, I definitely see her as an inspiration for those ladies who like alternative clothing and even lifestyles, I've always been drawn to people and things that think outside the box or are outside the box.
Okay I saw it! there are some rocking grungey fashions! xxx
Yay, what did you think about the movie?
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