Saturday, May 5, 2012
Oh Hai there, I sit here before the glow of the computer screen.. another year older, it feels... um, the exact same as being a year younger. However, if there is a Genie reading this I will totally shave a few years off my age - not as a wish though, a perk perhaps? Since I'm on the subject of age, I was surprised (and delighted) to know that everyone that I celebrated my birthday with thought I was a good 3-5 years younger than I actually am. My tales of events in celebration of my birth continue (that sounded a wee bit formal...), my boyfriend surprised me with two separate dinner get togethers with friends; On Sunday I had prime rib, sprinkles with a smidge of ice cream, and adult conversations with Jamie, Christina, and Paul. Then on Monday we drove to Old Town Alexandria for risotto and Lord of the Rings cake with Darrell and Alexia. Alexia is an actress and was telling us about her latest projects, including how awkward it is to film a sex scene and the struggle of keeping a straight face through an interpretative play whilst wearing a slip. After dinner the four of us went to Walmart where I bought some toys (yes, more Monster High) and we had a brief Hula Hoop contest. As usual I forgot to take pictures of my birthday loot but I did however get around to taking pictures of my hair which I'm happy to report is still vibrant, those notoriously fading red tresses are marching on.
Tuesday was a low-key but awesome day of running errands, window shopping, dinner, fountain watching, and another 'Cabin in the Woods' viewing. On Wednesday, our cat Hero puked all over the bed including my boyfriends head and my arm, it was certainly an unexpected way to wake up. Hero seems to be feeling fine so I just attribute it to his fondness for licking tape, plastic, carpet, Monster High doll hair, ... pretty much anything else that isn't nailed down. It is times like these that I feel like we have actual human children instead of furry ones. Another weekend is set to begin for me in a few hours (once my boyfriend gets off work), my boyfriend has band practice and I have shopping to do so I will be back soon with loot pictures! I'm still debating whether or not to buy these jeans, this dress, and or this skirt. I'm trying not to go too insane in the clothes department since I just broke my closet for good (the railing in the closet had decided it had enough and quit without notice, bastard...). Speaking of excessive amount of clothes, I'm hoping to start a shop here soon to get rid of some things I never wear, would anyone be interested? I think it's about that time where I post awkward self portraits I took to try to showcase my hair, I took about 2 pictures with a smile that didn't read as "something smells in the science lab again".
This last one was just an excuse for me to wear these adorable sunglasses.
hula hoop tales
monster high
redheads for the win
shark vs cupcake
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Sounds like a low-key but pretty fun birthday! I love hula hoop contests. You should definitely open up a "closet" shop. It's always a good way to get rid of clothes you don't wear.
Adore those sunglasses! ^^d
Sometimes I kind of miss my party days but I just feel too lazy most of the time, maybe it's a sign that I'm getting older. It was a fun birthday and I got to celebrate with a ton of people. I definitely have not mastered the art of the hula hoop, it's a subtle hip action from what I've noticed, I just can't seem to be subtle enough. I think I'm definitely going to have to do a closet shop, I have way too many things I don't wear.
Thank you. You know what's funny is I saw someone wearing them somewhere after I bought them and was thinking "Hey, those are cute, I want a pair" only to realize I had forgotten about the pair I had - silly.
Your hair looks amazing! And my cat puked all over my head in bed one was pretty terrible.
Courtney ~
Thank you, I gotta say I'm kinda digging my hair cape. Ugh, it was so gross, I banned the cats from the bedroom for a good 3 days but the cuteness wins again since I let them come in the room last night. It definitely is never fun to be near the cat vomit or well, any form of vomit. I was hungry before I started making this comment, I grossed myself out now haha.
awww you look lovely in these pictures! And I really love your hair! I wish I could color my hair again, but at the last minute I get all lazy! hahaha. Did you say LOTR cake? Where are the photos? WHERE?
♥ laura
the blog of worldly delights
the shop of worldly delights
ps. Sorry to be such a photo demander!
Aww, thank you, so nice of you to say! I know exactly what you mean about coloring hair, I always put off coloring my hair, usually for months at a time - it just costs so much and takes so long. Haha, yes, LOTR cake. I didn't take any pictures this time but I did take pictures one of the times I went a long time ago. I'll have to see if I can find it. I don't mind the photo demand :)
loove your hair color! looks so pretty on you! and i'm loving your shades :) thats so sweet of your BF to surprise you and make your birthday so awesome :) glad you had a good time
Your hair color looks so pretty on you!! I also really like the shades. It sounds like you had quite the birthday with your friends and boyfriend :] I need to desperately go through my closet and sell stuff too. I am too lazy to do it online though I think - but you go girl! It is a good way to make $.
Thank you! Yeah, I have a pretty great fella, I like surprises but I always find myself trying to figure them out on the sly.
Thank you! I did have a pretty lovely birthday. I have about two, maybe three, bags full of clothes I need to get rid of it. It is a good way to make some extra cash but it takes a lot longer than I always think its going to take.
Those sunglasses really are adorable!!!!
Thank you! I'm so glad I went back into the store for them.
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