Saturday, December 19, 2015
Current drink: Hot tea (constant comment) with sugar.
Current food: Red velvet christmas cake by Little Debbie
Current outfit: Red skull babydoll and star wars hoodie. Look at my outfit from last night... (pictured above)
Current scent: Yves Rocher Lotus Flower. It smells so amazing.
Current watching: Antman
Current plans: A ton of nothing, I love days off.
Monday, November 23, 2015
I don't know if you are all aware but 'Almost Famous' is one of my favorite movies of all time. I can't pull off boho looks much and the 1970's in general were not a decade I look to for fashion advice but this movie touches me and I actually do like a lot of the looks in it. I do have a thing for turquoise, earthy colors, boots, and 1970's music though. Yes, I need to start taking better pictures.... I know... I know...
almost famous
it's too dark in my house
plus size
that's how I like it
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Current outfit: Brown boots (Target) bought in like 2012. Blue batman socks (Target). Houndstooth thrifted pants. Old navy workout tank top in gray. Black cardigan thrifted. This outfit is entirely clearance or thrift finds. I think this outfit cost a total of $20. Wait, are we counting underwear? Because my pink elomi bra is from zulily but it was under $30 and my torrid underwear are embarrassingly old.
Current frustration: It usually takes me 45 minutes to get to work but because of construction, today it took me 2 hours. Also, I ordered food and it still hasn't come. I want my calzone dammit.
Last purchases: I bought a bunch of stuff from Torrid the other night - almost all on clearance. I'm contemplating a double barrel hair curler, yes, no? Thoughts...
Last food: Ham and cheese calzone! Yum. Even though I fucked up the order, put the wrong number and didn't put my suite number.. I iz idiot BUT I tipped him well so my bad.
Wishlist: Printer. New laptop. My skin to stop freaking out. VACA.
Accomplishment: My new house is coming together so I'm proud of that. My cats are enjoying the stairs.
I recently bought a selfie stick, this is the only picture of myself I've taken with it thus far. Nailed. It.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Current outfit: It's cold as hell so a striped sweater, dark denim jeans, and a black t-shirt. I also have some nifty cat slippers on.
Current food: Ghetto Chicken Parmesan. Try not to be too envious.
Current music: Healthy mix of the usual and an audiobook or two and Kaleida!
I'm so addicted to this band. I think my husband is about one or two listens away from throwing me out a window. He can do it, I'll hum the song on my way out.
Current frustration: This weather changes constantly, make some freakin' sense.
Current indulgence: My phone, I'm addicted to it. I got the Samsung Galaxy 5. It's mah baby. I keep going over my data...
Current want: A sugar daddy (not really but I just counted out change to buy dinner and my kitties need cat food. Adulting sucksss.)
Current crush: It changes every few days it seems.
Last favorite purchase: My halloween pillow from Kohls! Isn't it adorable?
Current excitement: Lots of new things still. New home is coming together. New lifestyle changes which I'm thinking I won't talk about here but *shrugs* but it is exciting. My job is going pretty well too. Sorry to be so short, just have a lot a goin' on.
Current food: Ghetto Chicken Parmesan. Try not to be too envious.
Current music: Healthy mix of the usual and an audiobook or two and Kaleida!
I'm so addicted to this band. I think my husband is about one or two listens away from throwing me out a window. He can do it, I'll hum the song on my way out.
Current frustration: This weather changes constantly, make some freakin' sense.
Current indulgence: My phone, I'm addicted to it. I got the Samsung Galaxy 5. It's mah baby. I keep going over my data...
Current want: A sugar daddy (not really but I just counted out change to buy dinner and my kitties need cat food. Adulting sucksss.)
Current crush: It changes every few days it seems.
Last favorite purchase: My halloween pillow from Kohls! Isn't it adorable?
Current excitement: Lots of new things still. New home is coming together. New lifestyle changes which I'm thinking I won't talk about here but *shrugs* but it is exciting. My job is going pretty well too. Sorry to be so short, just have a lot a goin' on.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Hello, Hello. It is October! I love this month even though I always seem to have crazy shit going on this time of year including a new job, a move, and a lifestyle change I might or might not end up discussing here. Things are good but muckin' nuts! Right now they are at their craziest because my husband and I have just moved into our new house. We moved about 35 miles away from my job which isn't too bad but it happens to be along the route with the worst traffic but luckily my job hours aren't during rush hour. All I can say is I'm insanely happy yet very stressed out. I feel on top of the world some days and I rarely feel that way. I feel comfortable with myself and just happy. Halloween is upon us, fall is coming, and so much new and exciting things.
Did I fail to mention that I now have a walk in closet? *falls into a pit of happy tears* Wee.
Autumn is upon us
lifestyle changes
new house
walk in closet life
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Wishlist Sept 2015 by honeysuckelle on
Money is super tight so naturally there is a list as long as my arm of things I really want. Isn't that always the case? I'm really into coloring books lately! I need them all!
Money is super tight so naturally there is a list as long as my arm of things I really want. Isn't that always the case? I'm really into coloring books lately! I need them all!
coloring books
kitty clock
pottery barn
Saturday, August 22, 2015
I recently was approached by 10dollarmall, they sent me a free item in exchange for an honest review. I have to say I was really excited, I haven't been approached to review anything on my blog so I was like "WEE!." I hadn't previously heard of 10dollarmall but I have to say I am impressed. I ordered a bow print scarf, a black sheer short sleeve top, and a pair of cross earrings. The first pair of cross earrings came broken but they quickly sent an exchange pair and they are fabulous.
Now I love me a bow print and this one is perfect, the scarf is long and soft. The top is also a soft material and easily wearable, I get a bit worried with my bust trying clothing from new places but this fits spot on. The earrings are probably not everyones style but I like them, I like crosses, what can I say I've watched 'The Craft' about 39403 times.
It's a bit hard to tell but I'm wearing the top from 10dollarmall in this picture and it's really become one of my favorites, it is so comfortable and easy to wear with just about everything.
The customer service I found to be speedy and kind and these prices are amazing! Pop on over to 10dollarmall and browse, tell me what you find!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Current frustration: Back pain. It has been endless and pain is time consuming.
Current want: I really want my own house so I can fill it with dogs and cats. Have you seen the tiny homes? They appeal to me but I need space for animals so it would never really work. Boo. The pictures are when my husband decided to bring me to a puppy store and I somehow left without actual tears, I was close though. I want all da puppies!
Current TV shows: Key and Peele, Inside Amy Schumer, American Horror Story (oh netflix, you're the best), and House.
Current crush: Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele(imagine that). I love when Keegan does that little kick thing, he's adorable. Jessica Lange because she is one sexy lady. I didn't quite get the appeal of Evan Peters until watching American Horror Story but now I see it. He looks so young to me though which makes me feel skeevy, even though he is only 2 years younger than me...
Current nail color: Blue on my feet. I'm too lazy to hunt down the bottle so you'll just have to believe me.
Current drink: Chips Ahoy Coolatta from Dunkin Donuts. It's pretty tasty. I'm not currently drinking it but I wish I was.
Current music: Skid Row by Skid Row.
Current cuddle partner: This fluff ball of adorableness. The one and only baby Halo.
Current food: Above is my breakfast. It was tasty. My stomach should be hurting any minute now *checks watch* Any minute...
Current wishlist: New Look Front Strap Bra / Boohoo Basic Oversized Tee in White and Black / F21 Sheer Lace Maxi Dress / F21 Rose Print Maxi Dress / New Love Silver Straw Zip Top Clutch / Curvy Kate Bra / Melon Floral Maxi Dress / Jeepers Peepers Handbag / BPAL Miss Forcible
Last favorite purchase: Beetlejuice Metal lunchbox! I had a plastic one with the cartoon characters on it in elementary school. I also found a cute green chair for $16. See my instagram for picture!
american horror story
blue nail polish
key and peele
lots of humor
metal lunchbox
too many beetlejuice mentions
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I have been undergoing a lot of changes in the way I approach my body, I have been overweight for most of my life (as I've mentioned) and have struggled with it and of course, I have my bad days like we all do. I was a size 14 at 5'9" until I was about 19/20 (from about 7th grade till then, I matured early), I went through a tough breakup and problems with school and gained a bit of weight but I was still wearing a size 16/18 up until I was about 23. I didn't wear jeans because I (didn't really care for them but I also) didn't want to face that dreaded number that read a size I didn't want to be. I use to cut the tags out of my clothing all the time, I didn't want anyone to know I wore the size that I did or that I was plus size even though it was obvious. I was told I was fat and needed to lose weight more times than I could count and I went on various diets (weight watchers, l.a weight loss, etc). and they never stuck. After seeing a picture of my chubby arms in 2005 I started covering my arms and after some friends made some comments about how gross my cellulite on my legs was I stopped wearing skirts without leggings or hose. People's negative comments never really stopped and they NEVER made me like myself or treat my body better, if anything it always made me turn to sorrow, inactivity, depression, and comfort eating. I absolutely hate people making comments about other peoples bodies, we are all different and it is NOT A BAD THING. As women we are told we should be beautiful, thin, and desired. I was assured I was beautiful and desired but not thin enough for love or true happiness or any of those things. I had no problem meeting men but I did have a problem with them treating me right or wanting to commit to me or bring me around their friends/family because I mean I can you imagine the humiliation of bringing a sweet, fun, bright FAT girl around your loved ones. That is supposed to be sarcastic, I know it can be tough to pick up on sometimes through text.
I started to slowly gain weight with growing and untreated depression, anxiety, and stresses with friends, boys, and life. In 2008 I met my future husband who made me feel beautiful and supported and told me I was "a beautiful voluptuous lady and I love everything about you." However other problems happened in my life and my weight skyrocketed, I went from a size 16 to a size 24. I barely even noticed it, looking back I ate more ice cream than I probably should have and let my depression/anxiety consume my life. I've lost weight since then, I'm now a size 20 and I'm not ashamed of it. I don't cut the tags out of my clothing, I wear shorts sometimes, short sleeve tops, skirts without leggings, and have been opening up to taking pictures of myself in both my outfits and a good ol' selfie every now and then. Some of these things I've only opened up to doing in the past year, let alone past few months! I have a long way to go but I have a very kind, supportive, and helpful doctor who assures me I am perfectly normal and healthy (healthy cholesterol, healthy blood pressure, and all those things). Even if I didn't, would that mean I deserve the ridicule and hatred people give "obese" or "unhealthy" people? Do these people troll hospitals yelling and belittling sick people?
I lead a healthier life now than I ever have. Either way my health is my business and approaching people with negativity or hatred or cruelty in my experience NEVER made me better. When I lost weight going from a size 24 to a size 20 I did it the strength and kindness from friends, my husband, inner strength, and a growing body positive movement online (whom I am so grateful for). I'd still like to get back into a size 14 but if I don't, it won't be the worst thing in the world and I can assure you it is HARD WORK. Losing weight is a every minute of the day commitment. My physical attractiveness or lack there of is not an obligation to anyone! I'm flattered when people approve of my figure and I am lucky that I am hourglass shaped, my waist is 13 inches smaller than my hips and I have a very large bust. I also have height on my side although I've been bullied about my height ("why are you so huge?" "tall women are manly") too. I know I just made a post like this but then I just had this experience as well.
I posted the picture of myself below and randomly this person (definitely a troll... it's almost always trolls who are too scared to have a real open account) went onto to say the above.
This is not my first experience dealing with the "obese" police online (this was the most blatant however) or in real life and I dare say it won't be my last. I'm not ashamed at all for my response, I have dealt with enough hateful people in my life to know that I am allowed to defend myself. People like that have made me drop out of school early (due to non-stop bullying), hide my body for years, think I was undeserving of love or acceptance, kept me hidden in the house when I didn't want to be, and I won't stand for it another single fucking day.
I am fat. I am beautiful. I wear a size 20/22. I'm 30 years old. I wear clothing that is a 3xl. I have acne scars, cellulite, a double chin, stretch marks, large arms, pale skin, and I will wear whatever I want. I will not disappear, I will not change my body to please shitty people. Why would I want to be "accepted" by those sorts of people anyway?
Be kind. If you see yourself thinking negative unwarranted things about yourself or others, stop and think for a second, why am I thinking this? What can I do to change my thinking and my behavior? Put out kind words into the world not negativity. Love your body and all the amazing things it is capable of and does for you every single day! Do not be afraid to be who you are, like the things you like, be comfortable in your own skin, to not think you need to change or change the things you can't accept, know that you deserve love and acceptance no matter what! Good people are out there! Find them, be them. Don't be afraid to defend yourself. You are more than your body, you are more than your face, you are more than how attractive or not the world finds you.
I wish you kindness and love. I wish you happiness. I wish you the ability to tell people who are being rude to you "bite my ass" with all sincerity because we all deserve to exist in this world the way we are. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here! I've been there and I understand.
I love this article, I had to share it. Body Shaming.
Sorry if I talked a bit in circles or if this is too similar to any other past posts but it continues to be an issue so I will continue to address it.
body confidence
body positive
body positivity
fat babe
no body shaming
nobody puts +lady in the corner
Thursday, July 2, 2015
I finally saw 'Jurassic World', my husband and I had planned on seeing it in 3D but then we got there, bought the tickets, and then the theater was down. However, we just saw a later showing and I got to explore a fancy-shmacy grocery store nearby (I was really tempted by some midnight brownie cookies but I couldn't bring myself to spend $4.99 on a tiny bag). I remember seeing the first movie in a crowded theater when I was a little kid, we sat in the two front seats with my mom and stepdad and my brother and I basically had to sit on the floor. I liked Jurassic World but not as much as I liked Jurassic Park. I'm going to buy it when it comes out either way. Also Chris Pratt is yummy, like really yummy, I don't mean that in an edible way (dinosaurs might think so... but not I).
I tried to dress Dino themed but I realized I had no clothing or accessories that are dino themed. BOO, you whore. I need to work on that. So I improvised and wore a lip shirt to improve my visible tastiness to dinosaurs all around (I'm making that up, I just liked the shirt and just recently bought it) and lots of green accessories (of which you can't see in any of my pictures but... I did). I even wore my galaxy chic palette in asteroid, comet, and meteor as a nod so to speak.
I will be doing a current post soon but I figured a Clever Girl post was necessary. Rawr.
clever girl
jurassic world
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